That's fine and I respect your opinion. Each person on this forum has different tastes otherwise we would be listening to the same pre-amp and amp combo? I just cannot get past the boxy look that they new owners of the company have come out with. You and I both know that if Gayle Sanders was still running the company he would have not released this speaker without further development. It's too boxy IMHO. I'm still betting that it won't sound leaps and bounds better than the Theater i, I have to add that yes I own the Theater i and have the funds to change right now if I needed to but this center channel will never sit in my room. So if you want to flame away go ahead.
As far as the "veneer peeling" comment that's his (ovature) right to state that. I had to replace a board in my Odyssey awhile back and was very disappointed once I removed the rear driver and got to the board itself. The speaker is not what I expected for build quality at all for the price they charged for it. I do like the Summits now I didn't at first as attyonline stated. But the Summit isn't two squared boxes with a stat panel in the middle it has some character. I've owned ML since 1989 whan I sat down at Christopher Hansen LTD with Dan D' Agostino of Krell who was out here visiting Chris Hansen's store that day I bought the Sequel II"s. He even tweaked them in the room for me while listening. The point I'm trying to make is, I still love my Logans but the newer stuff is in some ways better sounding (panels and electronics) but cheaper in overall build quality, at least the cabinetry?
I'm still torn between buying Summits or switching to Wilson Sophia 2's. Yes I know Wilson's are hyped and overpriced right?
Better tell that to the mixing studios that still use them?