So I Bought XT F200s

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Well-known member
Apr 24, 2021
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Pulled the trigger on a pair. Currently they have 2 full hours of break in on them. Given there is no information really about these online, what do you want to know? Ask away.

These are replacing 60XTIs and NO they are not even in the same league.
If I may add my initial observations:

These speakers are very very good. Very Full sounding. They can truly stay composed under very high power. Detailed, and I would dare say they hint at being a truly full range speaker. The bass is noticeable and I found the 60XTI shy! This and…the feet are cool and nice but no substitute for IsoAcoustics.
Thanks! I have been very curious about the new line. Do they sound neutral to your ears?
Very. The top end isn’t bright but is not rolled off. The midrange if full, bodied and thick without being warm or dark. Bass is tight and clean and extends way down but is NOT lean. If you really want neutral get the XTF100 as the 3 8s do shift the sound a little to bass tilted. To me not in a bad way but it’s not truly flat down there.

With all this said I did decide to roll off the mid and top end a little. I’m listening to them very loud and favor nothing being harsh to max detail and clarity. I also like a heavier bass.

Fun fact: the woofer surrounds are the loosest, softest I have ever seen on an ML. To my understanding that is a recipe for truly amazing bass!
The wave guide shape is one difference.

Many years ago, a sales associate placed his hands on both sides of his mouth and while speaking he varied the distance fore and aft and changed the angles of his flattened hands to create a megaphone and negative megaphone affect vs no hands around the mouth. This was to demonstrate how different his voice could sound just by altering the relationship between his mouth, the driver, to a plane with various shapes or no plane at all. The point being how different a speaker can sound depending upon what's around it.
It still sounds like an ML FMT. Without any strain. Very very clear, maybe a tad sterile? Mind you my speakers only have about 20 real hours on them.

I’ll say this, I found the 60XTI under powered. Not these! These babies will play.

Also I was watching a movie last night and there was a very distinct surround effect. The movie is only in 5.1. I turned my head to the speaker to see if I could localize the sound coming directly from the speaker. I swear I had a speaker 4’ back and between my main and surround. Even looking right at the tweeter I could not localize the sound. And this is not a one off, the speakers vanish quite spectacularly.
Pulled the trigger on a pair. Currently they have 2 full hours of break in on them. Given there is no information really about these online, what do you want to know? Ask away.

These are replacing 60XTIs and NO they are not even in the same league.
At the retail of $5500 a pair. The price is also not in the same league
At the retail of $5500 a pair. The price is also not in the same league
Fair point. But consider this:
I think the 60 replacement is the F100. 3 6.5s vs 2 8s. The F200 is another leap above that.

In Canadian bucks it was $4K for 60s or $6K for F100 (7K F200)

So yes, there is a big price difference, but performance wise, you could spend 10-12 or even 15K and get a speaker about the same as these. So IMO worth it
I got a chance to listen to the new F100s and the new F200s at Audio Advice in Raleigh, NC. Both were really good. Clean treble, articulate mids and very balanced top to bottom. I really think the new line is a big step up from the previous generation which could get a bit aggressive in the upper mids and treble in my opinion. I think that the F100s are perfect for small to medium sized rooms and the F200s are more at home in medium to large rooms. I agree with the OP that the big F200s are tilted a bit more bottom-up than the 100s but are really potent for a customer with the right room. I'm still not ready to give up my ESL 11As for them, but they certainly are worth a listen for someone not able to acomodate an ESL X
Fair point. But consider this:
I think the 60 replacement is the F100. 3 6.5s vs 2 8s. The F200 is another leap above that.

In Canadian bucks it was $4K for 60s or $6K for F100 (7K F200)

So yes, there is a big price difference, but performance wise, you could spend 10-12 or even 15K and get a speaker about the same as these. So IMO worth it
I agree the F100 is the replacement for the 60xti. It’s all subjective but saying you can spend $15,000 more for speakers let’s say on the ML website and get about the same thing. I am sure will get some arguments about that.
It all depends on what level you want to go to. Do the Masterpiece electrostats do things that the Motion series can't do? Absolutely, but at a higher price and at a much larger footprint. I love the sound of the F200s and F100s, but I still prefer my ESL 11As when it comes to soundstaging, clarity, bass and imaging.
Yes. Totally Subjective on what speakers/electronics are worth. Some people will spend $8000 on a TV. Others will say no way would I spend that the one at Costco looks just as good for $1200
Also I was watching a movie last night and there was a very distinct surround effect. The movie is only in 5.1. I turned my head to the speaker to see if I could localize the sound coming directly from the speaker. I swear I had a speaker 4’ back and between my main and surround. Even looking right at the tweeter I could not localize the sound. And this is not a one off, the speakers vanish quite spectacularly.

My setup is all ML with 60XTI,50XTI, FX2, and 15i for the rest. Do you have ML as your other speakers and, if so, how well do the older speakers integrate with the new ones?
My setup is all ML with 60XTI,50XTI, FX2, and 15i for the rest. Do you have ML as your other speakers and, if so, how well do the older speakers integrate with the new ones?
My other MLs are 15As and 34C masterpiece speakers.

They will integrate just fine but you will want to upgrade them all. New series is leaps and bounds better
I am thinking about replacing my 60xti with either the F100 or F200. MLP about 11 feet. Medium sized room 15x15 opening up to a kitchen and dining area. High Vaulted ceiling. I have
2 SVS SB16-Ultra Subs. Any benefit going with F200 over F100? The extra cost is not a factor.
I am thinking about replacing my 60xti with either the F100 or F200. MLP about 11 feet. Medium sized room 15x15 opening up to a kitchen and dining area. High Vaulted ceiling. I have
2 SVS SB16-Ultra Subs. Any benefit going with F200 over F100? The extra cost is not a fact
Then do it. Taller speakers, with the extra woofer, even if they are not producing low low bass, is NEVER a bad thing. 200 or bust my friend
Thanks. Keep going back and forth but I like your advice. Just get the best ones and be done with it. Avoid any type of buyers remorse
Thanks. Keep going back and forth but I like your advice. Just get the best ones and be done with it. Avoid any type of buyers remorse
Yes. Plus, typically the best is the best. Especially in audio, more headroom and less tax always sounds better to me. If you were asking with a budget, my answer would be a little more gracious. Money no issue don’t even ask
I wanted to hear how much better the new speakers were as well, but I thought I'd try demoing the bookshelves, the B100's. One reason is they would be easy to return just incase there wasn't a massive improvement over my 60Xti's. The other is that I run dual PSA TV3612 subs on all content so realistically the B100's should perform just as well as the towers since I'm not really using the bass of the towers anyway. I do have a large room, 20x50, and wanted to see how well the bookshelves performed in that space. The stands I'm using have a small plate that the speakers sit on so it doesn't cover the full bottom of the speaker so I've ordered the ML speaker stands since I wasn't sure how much that would affect the sound and they should be in this week.

I've had the B100's for about a week and I am still burning them in so I don't have full impressions yet, but from all the reviews I was initially expected to be blown way and I'm not quite sure that I am. I plan on listening to the speakers for a couple of weeks then switch back and
then hopefully I will be able to really hear how much better these speakers are. Initially the biggest change was in the treble as before when listening pretty loud the highs would be a bit shrill but with the B100's that is gone no matter how hot I crank them. I'm running the same volume as I was with the towers so power wise they seem to be able to fill my room with ease, as I sit about 12 feet away. There also seems to be better separation as the vocals seemed more forward than before and the instruments a little more spaced out.

When I upgraded from the Denon 4300h to the Anthem AVM 90 the improvement was massive as it should be with the vastly difference in price. The B100's are about half of what the 60Xti's were at launch so the performance is pretty impressive. Was I wrong in thinking there really shouldn't be a difference in the B100's and the F100's if I only run them crossed over at 80 with subs taking over the bass?