recovered from the Storm

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Nov 25, 2005
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Anybody else along the east coast get hit wih power outages from Tue evenings nasty front that moved through ?

Our power went out 1940 hrs on Tue , just came back on @0700 this AM.

I've been on generator duty the past 36 hours in order to keep both refregirators up and running.
Lots of storms here in Michigan I lost power sunday evening about 9:30 and got it back tuesday at 11:00 am. there were about 350,000 without power as of this morning there were still 80,000 out.
Our power went out 1940 hrs on Tue , just came back on @0700 this AM.

last winter we had a bad one, out for 23 hours. my only source of music was a wind up radio.

so i had a guy selling his depth bring it over and we did the deal in my living room by candlelight :)
Lots of storms here in Michigan I lost power sunday evening about 9:30 and got it back tuesday at 11:00 am. there were about 350,000 without power as of this morning there were still 80,000 out.

I was out for 30 hours. My neighbors behind us for 4 days. The guy I sit next to at work has been out since Friday.
yes, lucky we were home or all would have been lost in the 'frig' !

A lesson I learned (the hard way) years ago, when widespread power outages occur, unplug or throw breakers for your major appliances that have high voltage / current demand upon start-up. Power surges, up and down, when the power comes back can wreck havock on fridges, AC's, well pumps,etc.