ML New Prez

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This is what I think ML should be doing!!

I think the new Prez has mis-read the market, and ML will be late to a party that is not only overcrowded, but may have already peaked ! See what the long term survivors are up to (and they are coming out with a new TT too!)
Very interesting news about McIntosh and their direction.

But isn't ML already in the Luxury/aspirational/design driven market already with the ESL designs?

With specialty dealers pushing the >$3K range of speakers, I'd think the 'high-end' is covered already.

They do custom jobs like the $20K leather-clad Summits, and I'm sure we'll see a new 'Statement' class product sometime in the next two years.

Doesn't mean they have to leave money on the table in the mid-market. Although I have to agree, that space is crowded and possibly in decline (especially if economic conditions don't improve quickly).

The high-end is always resilient, which is why ML has flourished for the past two decades.
Oh, and I chuckled at this paragraph (in :

A revamped Web site will target the affluent consumer through a “luxury and aspirational message,” underscore the brand’s heritage of offering “the highest quality audio and video in the industry,” and create pride of ownership by building an online community of McIntosh owners, he said. Upscale photography, video content and educational information for the novice will take center stage, and technical information, though remaining, “will not be front and center,” he explained.

ML Already has the community part covered with our site ;)

Although, we admittedly do tend to cover tech and other topics in greater depth than a marketing dept. might care for, but that’s what an open community is about.
Earlier in this thread I mentioned how Klipsch had actively harvested the mid-and lower priced market products while still maintaining, and rejuvinating their high end products with the fruits of their labors in the lower markets.

It should be interesting to note that they just introduced a product aimed squarely at the top, clearly a potential competitor to our beloved Summit; a new line they call the Palladium with MSRP of $15000.

This is added proof that expanding a brand into the mid and lower range doesn't necessarily dilute the brand...sometimes it can improve it.

Profit is NOT a dirty word.
Thats because Klipsch is just an awesome company and a perfect example of what can be done in the consumer electronics business world!
I believe Klipsch is still a "family-run" business. Based upon what we saw in Lawrence, KS, ML still embraces the same values and teamwork that Gayle instilled in the company. If that philosophy (and customer service) is maintained, ML can likewise thrive at both the mid and higher end.