Falling asleep listening

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Well-known member
May 23, 2005
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Queensland, Australia
I had the house to myself last night so what does any audiophile do? Sat down for a brilliant listening session.

I think I heard about 2 tracks before falling asleep and waking up to silence (after the album had played through).

DAMN IT P1SSES ME OFF WHEN THIS HAPPENS. What a waste of a listening session.......

So my question - how often does this happen to you?

To me, rarely, but on the odd occasion when I probably need the sleep anyway!
Frequently! In fact, I often listen specifically to relax before going to bed, but frequently doze off in the sweet spot! Nothing like good music to get those endorphins flowing!
I find there is a direct corolation to amount of Scotch that I have consumed.

Rarely do I fall asleep before I finish the bottle ! :rolleyes:
To be honest when I listen late at night, I pretty much fall asleep every time and would not have it any other way.

If i close my eyes, I never even make it to then end of the song.

One of my greatest pleasures in life is falling asleep to the sound of my favourite music.
I fall asleep many times when listening. It is pure pleasure. If you don't want to fall asleep, just pick-up the pace of the tunes.

Doug - out
All the time at night. My rule is if you can not recall the last three songs on the play list then time to go to bed, because you are already asleep.

Like sleepy said my favorite way to unwind before bedtime.
What happens to me is that I go into a mental state in between "awake" and "asleep." I can hear the music but it's like I'm in a trance of sorts. I'm not describing this well, but hope you get the idea. This also happens to me while riding in the car with headphones on (not driving, of course).

I wake up, or snap out of it, after several cuts and feel absolutely refreshed. In the car this could go on for an hour.

Anyone else fall into this?

A "deeper" version of this, which has happened to me a couple of times, is that old memories come flooding in. It's like the music is connecting to something in my memory bank and facilitating some form of archiving or reshuffling of memories. I sensed that the event in my memory occurred at the same time of day and the day of week that I was listening.

I read one old article written by one of the Stereophile reviewers who mentioned that the same thing happens to him.

I had not consumed any form of intoxicants or other inducements, btw.
this has definatly happened to me it is rare but you can here the music in an almost dream state you can not completly controll your thoughts but are not totally asleep it is pretty cool. a freind of mine once decribed my logans as if he where getting a massage by the sound and said he felt like going to sleep
I have on a time or two been known to take a snooze, Its a sign of a good system that is not fatiguing!;)

OR that I ran out of Beer !:ROFL:
I find there is a direct corolation to amount of Scotch that I have consumed.

Rarely do I fall asleep before I finish the bottle ! :rolleyes:

Yes, there is certainly a correlation to the amount of wine I have consumed! I think that's the whole problem - wife not home = good listening time, BUT - wife not home means nobody to share a bottle with which means I drink the whole bottle myself = fall asleep in the listening chair.
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I dunno, sometimes reading this forum you'd wonder if anyone ever listens sober!:) Maybe we should do a poll!
Does the type of music playing affect your dreams when you fall asleep listening to music? Or do your speakers turn into Anniversary CLX's?
Craig - Unfortunately not. But they do tend to turn into anniversary CLXs after half a bottle of wine though!
What happens to me is that I go into a mental state in between "awake" and "asleep." I can hear the music but it's like I'm in a trance of sorts. I'm not describing this well, but hope you get the idea. This also happens to me while riding in the car with headphones on (not driving, of course).

I wake up, or snap out of it, after several cuts and feel absolutely refreshed. In the car this could go on for an hour.

Anyone else fall into this?

A "deeper" version of this, which has happened to me a couple of times, is that old memories come flooding in. It's like the music is connecting to something in my memory bank and facilitating some form of archiving or reshuffling of memories. I sensed that the event in my memory occurred at the same time of day and the day of week that I was listening.

I read one old article written by one of the Stereophile reviewers who mentioned that the same thing happens to him.

I had not consumed any form of intoxicants or other inducements, btw.

Happens all the time and I don't imbibe anything,It Is awesome!!
Not that often. But, I`M LISTENING TO HEADPHONES AT THAT HOUR. wHICH MAY have something to do with it.