What CD player do you own?

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Thanks for all the replies everyone!!!

You guys got me thinking (after seeing so many replies with suggestions of pretty expensive CDP); at what point are there diminishing returns in sound quality? At the same time, I could also ask at what point do CDP start to sound different -the way I would like them to sound (mellow with rolled off highs)?

To me, every speaker EASILY sounds different (even with extreemly low end electronics). But switching from my inexpensive $250 1988 Onkyo receiver to a current model tube int amp, I barely hear a difference (even when hooked up to the ReQuests). I experienced the same thing at a store when switching from an low end NAD int to tube Rogue seperates (with a high end CDP and spks). Maybe it's because I only do low level listening?

So while some say that (any thing but speakers) "usually" the higher in price you go, the returns diminish, I sometimes think it may be the opposite in that you need to spend more to get a difference in sound. It's like all cheap receiver, amps and CDP and spk wires sound the same, but its only when you start to spend a whole lot of money do you start to hear a difference.

Sometimes I feel like just saving my money for CDs and just get another cheap CDP (for my 2CH; I'm sharing the DVD player with both the 2ch and HT).

I think you have a point sort of. Case in point:

Esoteric makes highly successful and critically acclaimed universal players.

I just read a review about the Esoteric DV-50S. The reviewer said that he had the previous model (the DV-50 $5,500) and that the Denon DVD-2900 ($1000) outperformed the DV-50 in regards to video preformance and not by a little but a lot. the reviewer went on to say that the CD playback of both models where the same and that the DV-50 only held an edge in multi-channel music.

WOW!!! A $1000 player beat a $5500 player in 2 of the 3 major categories!!!

Is the multi-channel playback of the DV-50 worth an extra $4,500 over the Denon? That is an over 400% increase in price!

Only after the reviewer upgarded to the DV-50S (another $500 on top of the price of the DV-50) did the Esoteric outperform the Denon in video. The Esoteric CD playback was still indistinguishable from the Denon.

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Peter_Klim said:
You guys got me thinking (after seeing so many replies with suggestions of pretty expensive CDP); at what point are there diminishing returns in sound quality? At the same time, I could also ask at what point do CDP start to sound different -the way I would like them to sound (mellow with rolled off highs)?

To me, every speaker EASILY sounds different (even with extreemly low end electronics). But switching from my inexpensive $250 1988 Onkyo receiver to a current model tube int amp, I barely hear a difference (even when hooked up to the ReQuests). I experienced the same thing at a store when switching from an low end NAD int to tube Rogue seperates (with a high end CDP and spks). Maybe it's because I only do low level listening?

So while some say that (any thing but speakers) "usually" the higher in price you go, the returns diminish, I sometimes think it may be the opposite in that you need to spend more to get a difference in sound. It's like all cheap receiver, amps and CDP and spk wires sound the same, but its only when you start to spend a whole lot of money do you start to hear a difference.

Sometimes I feel like just saving my money for CDs and just get another cheap CDP (for my 2CH; I'm sharing the DVD player with both the 2ch and HT).


I think I understand a possible source of this confusion. I'm confident that anyone who cares enough about sound to buy a pair of MLs can hear the difference between an Onkyo receiver and a tubed integrated unit. The thing is that pre/amps can be tricky to listen to, due to the contextual influence of the source. So, if your source is thin in timbre, harsh, and with questionable freq response, it acts as a bottleneck; your new integrated will faithfully reproduce the attributes of the source, and you might not really hear much of a difference between the integrated and the Onkyo. My suggestion is to take your Onkyo to a good dealer, listen to the dealer's setup (hopefully it is decent), then substitute your Onkyo in, and finally listen to the dealer setup again (ABA). If you can't hear a difference, then you have a very good Onkyo unit, so hang on to it and sell your integrated. If you do hear a difference, then focus on getting a good CDP, not just one that sounds ok. After that, you are done (for upgrades, for a while!).

In my experience, there are differences both among groups (components in the same price range) and between groups (components at different price points). Reviewers can have very different criteria for excellence, so do some listening at your audio dealers to find out what works best for you.

I find it odd that you do not hear much of a difference between your integrated tube amp and your Onkyo receiver. I heard a vast difference between the Cayin TA-30 and my Outlaw/Parasound combo. I would hope that the Outlaw/Parasound combo would sound different than the Onkyo. I did end up rolling some different tubes in my Cayin (which is essentially the same unit as yours, minus the auto biasing stuff). I tried some Electro-Harmonix 12AU7 and 12AX7 gold pin tubes and it did make a difference in sound. I also rolled in some Electro-Harmonix EL-34's. That also made a noticable difference. You might want to try some tube rolling. The smaller tubes gave my system a wider soundstage and more depth.

For an affordable CD player that sounds much better than my Denon 1600 dvd player or my sony mega changer, I bought a tube based ShengYa cd player. It only ran a little over $350 and wow, what a difference that made! It is the same as the Vincent player, they are apparently manufactored by the same company. You can find it at New York Sound.

I have some pictures of it on my website. I took some with the cover off, it looks sweet under the hood. Of course, I do not know why it would look cool or not, but just the same, it looks cool. :D

My website

Jeff Aguilar
I am more than intrigued by the Sheng Ya S-10. I am currently listening to a cdp-1072 from Rotel as a demo from my local shop. I plan on buying a cd player here in the next few weeks. I am wondering though how the ShengYa will sound compared to the sweet sounding Rotel.
Not to mention that I have a Rotel Pre and the CDP looks great with the Pre.
But if the ShengYa is a better player, I am willing to sacrifice aesthetics.
Have a look at chinese stuff:for a budget player, I found the Jolida JD100 unbeatable;
The cayin CDT17A is a more expensive option.Both feature a valve output section,and you can find them currently around 300-700 US$ on the web.
Take a listen to the Shanling Tube players they match up wonderful with mine. I also have a Denon 3910 DVD and doing a A/B switch witha matching CD the tubes just sound so much more natural and warm.
CD player choice - Wadia

Peter_Klim said:
Hi guys!

I am in need of a a CD player to complete my system.

For the last few years I've been using a DVD player, 2 years ago got a set of ReQuests and 2 months ago I got the PrimaLuna One tube intergrated.

I was wondering what you guys have used with success (and at what price?). I'm looking for one that has mellow/soft sound attributes w/o harshness. If possible, but not necessary, I would like to get one that is black and has a remote volume control. Any ideas?

Might be too late to influence your decision, but just in case:
I own a Wadia 861 that is hooked to CLS 2z's and a REL Stentor via a couple of Plinius 250mk4's, all except the subwoofer through Wireworld cabling.
I have previously owned a Meridian 508.24, though at that time I only had one Plinius. The Wadia is embarrassingly expensive, but is way better than the 508.24 (which it should be for the price!). It depends on your own cost/benefit philosophies, but for me, the extra money is worth it, and continues to be. I love my system, and CLS's and I'm sure all Martin Logans deserve a decent front end!
I's always been my dream to own a Wadia 861 directly feeding an amp and 2 speakers. The most simple and clean system. 2 XLR's, 2 power cords (another 2 for the ML's), and 2 speaker cables. :D

Does anybody here run a Shanling Tube player using the variable volume out straight to a amp?

I myself use a Sony 9000ES CD/SACD player ony for 2 channel music and I'm more than happy with the unit. Got it for a steal used :D :D
EricE said:
I myself use a Sony 9000ES CD/SACD player ony for 2 channel music and I'm more than happy with the unit. Got it for a steal used

The SCD-XA or the DVP 9000?


Just bought the Opera Consonance Droplet 5.0, this cdplayer defeated the Marantz SA11-S1, It has a warm sound, very short in the low. The Marantz was too loud (hard and cold).
I have several generic players like Sony, Carver and JVC that are ok, but for critical listening in my tube 2-channel rig I settled on the Shanling T100. It is very musical. Some digital for me is a bit to edgy, you know symbols that sizzle a little to much. The tube output on the Shanling tames this without sacrificing high end. I actually bought the player first and used it with my custom 2A3 I built. I later picked up the matching SP-80 from Shanling and it is now my living room combo.


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Wardsweb said:
I have several generic players like Sony, Carver and JVC that are ok, but for critical listening in my tube 2-channel rig I settled on the Shanling T100. It is very musical. Some digital for me is a bit to edgy, you know symbols that sizzle a little to much. The tube output on the Shanling tames this without sacrificing high end. I actually bought the player first and used it with my custom 2A3 I built. I later picked up the matching SP-80 from Shanling and it is now my living room combo.

So you are using the T100's volume control directly with the SP-80's? That is one beautiful and clean system.
Jeff Aguilar said:

I find it odd that you do not hear much of a difference between your integrated tube amp and your Onkyo receiver. I heard a vast difference between the Cayin TA-30 and my Outlaw/Parasound combo. I would hope that the Outlaw/Parasound combo would sound different than the Onkyo. I did end up rolling some different tubes in my Cayin (which is essentially the same unit as yours, minus the auto biasing stuff). I tried some Electro-Harmonix 12AU7 and 12AX7 gold pin tubes and it did make a difference in sound. I also rolled in some Electro-Harmonix EL-34's. That also made a noticable difference. You might want to try some tube rolling. The smaller tubes gave my system a wider soundstage and more depth.

For an affordable CD player that sounds much better than my Denon 1600 dvd player or my sony mega changer, I bought a tube based ShengYa cd player. It only ran a little over $350 and wow, what a difference that made! It is the same as the Vincent player, they are apparently manufactored by the same company. You can find it at New York Sound.

I have some pictures of it on my website. I took some with the cover off, it looks sweet under the hood. Of course, I do not know why it would look cool or not, but just the same, it looks cool. :D

My website

Jeff Aguilar

Jeff, question on the Shengya:

Is the power supplied by an external step up transformer, or was did it come with an internal 110V power supply?
I bought the 110v version. They offered it in either the 110v or the 240v version. I just looked at their website and right now the only option is for the 240v version and it is out of stock.

Jeff Aguilar said:
I bought the 110v version. They offered it in either the 110v or the 240v version. I just looked at their website and right now the only option is for the 240v version and it is out of stock.


Yeah, I noticed that they were out too.

I asked if it was external or not, because it seemed like their Cayin CDP was external, so I wasn't quite sure if the Shen Ya also was. and because it was out of stock, I was thinking maybe getting the Cayin instead (see my other thread).

Funny how it seems I end up either getting/considering the brands you have (or close to it: PrimaLuna/Cayin int amp, Sheng Ya, ML)
Hey Peter,

Quite honestly, when I was shopping for a CDP, I would have loved to get the Cayin. It was just a lot more than I was allowed to spend! I read some really good reviews on it and I was so impressed with the Cayin TA-30, I thought it would be a great match.

I will be very interested in your review of this player!

Jeff Aguilar
cmos said:
Have a look at chinese stuff:for a budget player, I found the Jolida JD100 unbeatable;
The cayin CDT17A is a more expensive option.Both feature a valve output section,and you can find them currently around 300-700 US$ on the web.

Last night I found the Jolida JD100 A in black (one of my criterias in a CDP)! So far I know of one dealer that carries it as such (Underwood HiFi).

Now I'm not sure if the one I found available has HDCD, but the one pictured below does.
