Speaker Cable Length for Montis

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Well-known member
Feb 19, 2015
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Tucson, AZ
I am getting ready to build some speaker cables for my Montis using Mogami W3082 Studio Grade Speaker Cable. My amplifier is located closer to the left speaker than the right speaker. Should I make my new cables equal length or as short as practical for each speaker, 4' for the left and 8' for the right. The amplifier is offset to the left side for thermal reasons, other wise I would move it to the center.
Does it matter if one cable is shorter than the other? Not for any delay type of issue. Electrically, they'll be different, but, different enough to cause a problem? No. Will you be able to hear a difference? Depends, lots of factors to consider, but probably not.

Would I make them the same length? Yes I did, but that was mostly because I wanted the flexibility of changing things in the future. Would I do that again? No, I wouldn't bother. I'd make them long enough to work.

I have watched a video, several times, that highlights a guy who built his money no object room and system. It took years, and he built a lot of it himself because he wanted to, not because of any budget because there wasn't one. Each Krell mono amp was backed up to within inches of the speaker it powered and connected using 8AWG wire. Overkill? Yes. But he's happy and that's the point.
One Man's Dream
Unless there are a lot of replies otherwise, I will probably just go with two 8' runs.
There is always the cost factor too. Not sure how much the wire costs per foot. It could be signifiant.
It is Mogami W3082 Studio Grade Speaker Cable. It is like $1.46 a foot. Same as what Roger Sanders recommends for ESL speakers. Since it is inexpensive, I'm going to give it a try. Friend of mine is visiting this weekend and we will give it a critical listening test. I think I can build a pair for around $60. I'm an electrical engineer and not a big fan of over the top expensive cabling. Geometry and quality construction is important. Other is snake oil (IMHO). But I am open to other views.
It is Mogami W3082 Studio Grade Speaker Cable. It is like $1.46 a foot. Same as what Roger Sanders recommends for ESL speakers. Since it is inexpensive, I'm going to give it a try. Friend of mine is visiting this weekend and we will give it a critical listening test. I think I can build a pair for around $60. I'm an electrical engineer and not a big fan of over the top expensive cabling. Geometry and quality construction is important. Other is snake oil (IMHO). But I am open to other views.
I'm pretty much with you on that. Since the cable is so affordable, I'd make each one 8 foot. The extra 4 feet on the cable isn't going to audibly affect the sound. I'd think having each cable the same length will if anything help to equalize the sound if it does anything.
You can do what you want. I have been involved in blind testing and there is no difference between a 6ft long wire and a 30 foot wire. Scientifically it is the same too. You can't hear a 24 foot delay near the speed of light. It is one area that you do not need to waste time or thought on. Do whatever you want as it makes no difference. I do have to say that the price is right at $60. It sounds like you are putting together a nice 2 channel system! :)
Paul McGowan did a video on this topic. The Importance of Speaker Cable Length

While I agree with him that equal length probably doesn't matter... apparently, I am somewhat like him in that stuff like different cable length drives me nuts so guess what? My pair of speaker cables are exactly the same length, and have been the same length in every system I've had for the past nearly five decades. Where it really costs me is I have your same problem with my balanced interconnects out to my mono blocks. One run is approx four times the length of the other and even though they are significantly more than $1.46/ft, I spent the money and kept them the same length.

Like Paul said 'I'm crazy and have to have everything right'...
OK, I have built up two 8' cables. Going to try them out today.


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OK, I have had these in my system for a few days:
Squeezebox Touch with enhanced digital output to coax and Kimber coax cable to Oppo UDP 205. Balanced outputs from UDP-205, Cardas balanced cables to Pass Labs INT-150. Mogami cables to Montis.

We A/B'd with the previous twin lead cables several times. My friend thought the difference was obvious. I thought the change, if any, was very subtle at first. With some longer term listening, I do feel there seems to be a slight lift to higher frequencies which is what the "science" should predict with lower impedance at high frequencies. Still a very subtle improvement. They are staying in my system for at least the medium term.