Question for you veterans from a nervous brand spanking new Montis owner

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Feb 3, 2013
Reaction score
Columbus, OH
Hi folks,

I am trading in my Maggie 3.5r's after 15 years of service for a pair of Montis in dark cherry. They arrived at my dealer(7 hours' drive one way!), last week, but I am on vacation through Thursday, so I plan to drive over this weekend and pick them up.

Here's my concern. I have been reading lot's of posts about the transducer panels and how dog hair, dust, smoke, fireplace emissions, etc. degrade their sound quality over time.

i have read about all kinds of ways to regularly clean the transducers with a home vacuum cleaner(use the brush attachment, don't use the brush attachment, run full speed on the vacuum, decrease to a slow suction speed, etc). Panels that have to be taken apart after a time and the mylar cleaned and reassembled, etc.

My Montis will be located in my liviing room which is also our home theater. We have two Golden Retrievers, which shed a LOT, and we have a wood burning fireplace in the same room.

The owner's manual mentions a cloth or soft brush for regular dust removal and the use of Xtatic specialty cloths.....

It's obvious ELS requires more care and feeding than I had to do with my Maggie's and I want to make sure I do this right from the get go...

Is there a definitive guide somewhere that explains how to keep the panels sounding like new for years to come? Do I simply follow the info mentioned above in the owner's manual and I am good to go?

thanks very much!

Hola. Your new Montis come with a speakers cloth covers. When you are not using them, just put the covers over them and that´s it. Happy listening!
When you are not using them, just put the covers over them and that´s it.


Dog hair and dust should not be an issue because it is dry and easily vacuumed off. The fireplace is a concern though. Smoke is sticky and not easy to remove. Hopefully this is not a smoky fireplace! In any case, make sure the speakers are well away from it, as the radiant heat will also be no good for them.
Smoke and cooking fumes are anathema to ANY loud speaker or electrical component, including amplifiers, turntables etc.. In relation to dog hair and dust; I agree with amey01. These are easily removed and shouldn't present any long term problems to a Martin Logan speaker.
My Goldie loved lying next to my left Montis before he died at 13.25 years.

I vacuum once a week. There have been no issues .

Hola Joel. I love dogs, sorry for your lost!. That´s the best advice, vacuum them at least twice a week! I live an a very dusty area, and I have to clean my room every 2 days!. If I do not do this, the dust deposit in my cds, where you almost can not see their cover. Happy listening!

Pushkin in our listening room.

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Gorgeous pooch. Sorry for your loss.

He was fortunate to have such a loving home and environment -- with the very best in musical taste and entertainment!
Amazing how a dog can become part of one"s lives. This has been a difficult three weeks.
Thanks for the kind words.

Joel, right now is the right time to get another one. Of course, a dog like that, will be always in your heart!... I lost mine too, and spent over a month without one, now I have two... and they are terrible! But really, they bring to the family a lot of joy and love... Happy listening!
Thanks for your thoughts . We are thinking of waiting a while to give the new one a chance to be a dog on his own.

I used to have a golden retriever when I was a kid. It had a name, but was never called anything but "Vov" (Danish for woof). She answered to it, so I guess she didn't mind. We got her when I was two, so I guess I was her puppy as much as she was my dog. She had been ill for a while, and in a totally misunderstood attempt to spare me the pain, my parents had her put down when I was away on scout camp. Never had a chance to say goodbye. We never got a new one, and now I don't have the time to take care of one.

Sorry to hear about your loss. Get a new dog. When you see the right puppy, it will be a dog on it's own. And congrat's on your Montis, by the way.
Thanks for the kind thoughts. We had a week to say goodbye . Pushkin was a very good friend .

We just need some space before we get a puppy .

I really am enjoying our Montis. Music sparkles in our listening space now.


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