Question about older Marantz Receiver SR6006

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Robert D

Well-known member
MLO Supporter
Jul 21, 2020
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I gave this receiver to my daughter to use and shes having problems getting a 4k picture on it from an Apple tv 4k box. Im not sure whats wrong because ive not been there to look it over. Im wondering, is the receiver not able to output a dolby vision signal? I think it should because im pretty sure it worked with our old Amazon Fire stick. Right now the Apple tv is switching to a SD picture.

The video signal should be able to pass through? My newer SR 8012 isnt rated for dolby vision and yet passes that signal just fine to the tv, and as I said earlier im pretty sure that the Amazon Firestick was able to get dolby vision with the old SR6006. This is the first time weve tried the latest gen Apple tv4k on the setup.
My first thought is to just plug the Apple tv directly into the tv and see what happens with the picture, but then im not sure if sound will get to the receiver. Maybe it will come down through the ARC port? I think the 6006 has one. Much better to just run everything through the receiver like it should be done.
Any ideas? So far from my experience, these receivers are capable of passing through video signals that they arent rated for but that the on screen display of the receiver wont superimpose over top of the picture, the screen turns black and then the menu comes on.
If anyone is curious about what the problem is here, I figured it out. The old SR 6006 receiver isnt capable apparently of even passing through a 4k signal. The best it can do is 1080 p with no HDR. The cables I was using, the Wireworld Chromas arent able to do Dolby Vision, only 4k HDR. So a couple of things going on.
I guess I got lucky with my Marantz receiver that allows a Dolby Vision signal to pass through even though it cant output Dolby Vision. Keeping up with the new tech is tough and an expensive proposition.