Montis in Norway

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Treble Clef

Aug 23, 2012
Reaction score
Asker, Norway
Hi there!

In about three weeks, my Montis and two Paradigm Sub 1 will arrive. Yesterday I decided to replace my Burmester amp with Pass Labs X260.5 monoblocks. I plan to use my current Nordost Frey 2 XLR and speaker cables. My source will be the digital preamp, sound processor and dac, DEQX HDP-4.

I do not know how this setup will sound. But after to months with KEF Blade. And giving them up - due to sound quality problems with Blade in my room, I hope this new setup will work fine.

Treble Clef
Sounds interesting. What are your room dimensions? What are your sources for music?

It will be interesting to read your descriptions of the speaker setup and subsequent calibration process and then your impressions.

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The listening zone 5x5 meter connected to another 30 m2 - a living room, tv, sofa, digigrand piano etc...
Pass Labs and MartinLogans go great together. I imagine this setup will sound magical.

I read about this combination before my decision yesterday. So I hope you are right!

I have never in my life heard, touched or seen a Pass Lab product. But I have decided to move away from mostly European products - it's more or less all American from now... The Burmester amps I have used for the last 12 years are sounding great. But the dealer has warned me about Burmester on ML.

I hope to hear power and body, and a warm tube-like sound from my new setup. And the Paradigm subs were also ordered without listening to them. We are only gamblers and cowboys around here :)

And my room... tried to attach a picture.

Hi Asker,

Sounds like a superb setup in every respect. Both the Pass amps and the Sub 1's are excellent choices and shouldn't disappoint.

Will the DEQX also be new to you or has it been in your system? It's an unusual choice, but one which I can appeciate based on personal experience.

Matching the subs with the Montis may take some trial and error. I would start out at setting both Montis to -3 with xover at 70 to your subs and then level match your low bass below 40 to the mid range by adjusting the levels of your subs.

Break in of 100 hours will be important for the Montis. The flashlight tip for angle is a good place to start.

Then let the DEQX do it calibrations.

I use Audyssey 32 with the pro kit so I am really interested in the DEQX.

I use my listening room with a door open to my living room. My living room has a Sohmer babygrand. This has worked well. But closing the piano makes a difference despite the different rooms. Your open structure will bring some interesting tweaks I think.

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Total renewal...

Hi Asker,

Sounds like a superb setup in every respect. Both the Pass amps and the Sub 1's are excellent choices and shouldn't disappoint.

Will the DEQX also be new to you or has it been in your system? It's an unusual choice, but one which I can appeciate based on personal experience.


Now, the DEQX is also new! Everything is new... The DEQX was recommended by a guy I trust. He is a believer in the religion where the digital eq can make any type of sound. I do not believe in this before I here it in my setup. Maybe I will need a tube preamp or something, to make it all become musical, organic and emotional...

But this is where I start now. After throwing out all the equipment I had... My plan early summer was to keep everything, except my speakers and subwoofers. But it escalated... :)

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Matching the subs with the Montis may take some trial and error. I would start out at setting both Montis to -3 with xover at 70 to your subs and then level match your low bass below 40 to the mid range by adjusting the levels of your subs.

Break in of 100 hours will be important for the Montis. The flashlight tip for angle is a good place to start.

Then let the DEQX do it calibrations.

I use Audyssey 32 with the pro kit so I am really interested in the DEQX.

I use my listening room with a door open to my living room. This has worked well. Your open structure will bring some interesting tweaks I think.


Thanks a lot!
Who will do the initial setup, Gunnar, the dealer or yourself? Either way, I strongly suggest that you take the time to learn and experiment with the settings of the DEQX. The more you know about its capabilities and how they affect sound quality, the more you'll enjoy everything it can do for you.
Who will do the initial setup, Gunnar, the dealer or yourself? Either way, I strongly suggest that you take the time to learn and experiment with the settings of the DEQX. The more you know about its capabilities and how they affect sound quality, the more you'll enjoy everything it can do for you.

The DEQX dealer will install and tune this unit. The purchase includes two home visits - three hours each time. And he has promised me to make it sound very good. And since I know him quite well - I think this will work.
The DEQX dealer will install and tune this unit. The purchase includes two home visits - three hours each time. And he has promised me to make it sound very good. And since I know him quite well - I think this will work.
Perfect! Always better to have an expert perform the initial setup so that you don't have to wonder if you've done it properly. For your part, ask lots of questions so that you become familiar with all of the features. I currently use a Trinnov pre/pro and, prior to that, a TacT. Half the fun, for me, was/is tweaking in order to obtain the very best sound. In addition to everything else, the DEQX will also permit the best possible sub/mains integration.

Have fun!

Perfect! Always better to have an expert perform the initial setup so that you don't have to wonder if you've done it properly. For your part, ask lots of questions so that you become familiar with all of the features. I currently use a Trinnov pre/pro and, prior to that, a TacT. Half the fun, for me, was/is tweaking in order to obtain the very best sound. In addition to everything else, the DEQX will also permit the best possible sub/mains integration.

Have fun!


Thank you, Ken!
Gunnar, some additional unsolicited advice: Unless you're using a purely analog source (i.e. vinyl), be sure to use source digital output into the DEQX. Although conventional wisdom says that the additional A/D/A steps associated with using analog input make no sonic difference, I remain skeptical. Stick to a single D/A step vs. D/A/D/A.
Gunnar, some additional unsolicited advice: Unless you're using a purely analog source (i.e. vinyl), be sure to use source digital output into the DEQX. Although conventional wisdom says that the additional A/D/A steps associated with using analog input make no sonic difference, I remain skeptical. Stick to a single D/A step vs. D/A/D/A.

All my music is server files - flac and some mp3. The current HDP-4 has no USB input. But such a card is soon available. I will put one in if it works better than the toslink input.
Treble Clef, I am thiking of getting the Pass Lab X150.5 which will mate with a pair of Theos. I also have read interesting online discussions about the synergy of these two brands. So I hope when you have them set up, you will share your impressions with us.

I had a buddy back in university from northern Norway and I saw some breathtaking photos from his town. You live in a beautiful country.