ML lack of dealers

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Well-known member
Nov 16, 2005
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I live in Omaha NE doing a search on the ML site for the closest location to audition the newer ML speakers I would have to go to Madison WI or Chicago to hear their higher end gear. They do not even have a dealer in KC or Minneapolis, you can have the greatest product around but if people aren't exposed to it how do you expect to sell it.
Welcome to high end! Even if you live in a big city, it does not mean the dealers will carry everything. Dealers around me don't have demos of many electronics I want to hear.

A lot of dealers dumped ML when they went with Best Buy/ Amazon strategy for lower line products. That means the consumer has to put on some miles. The coasts have much better dealers than the middle of the country.
I live in Omaha NE doing a search on the ML site for the closest location to audition the newer ML speakers I would have to go to Madison WI or Chicago to hear their higher end gear. They do not even have a dealer in KC or Minneapolis, you can have the greatest product around but if people aren't exposed to it how do you expect to sell it.

But look on the bright side . . . you can go to your local Best Buy / Magnolia big box store and pick up their latest home theater speakers! :rolleyes:
understood............... but just the other day I was thinking about buying some E-85 gasoline and realized I had to drive to Omaha to get it ! ..........well, not really but you get the drift !
ML lost of major source of dealers across the US when Tweeter/Sound Advice went under. In the Central Florida area we went from having about seven locations where one could touch, hear and buy higher-end MLs to Zero in this area.
I feel for you. I have a 2 hour drive to go to Toronto or a 3 hour drive to Ottawa to hear anything, not just ML's.
Cheers, Greg
But look on the bright side . . . you can go to your local Best Buy / Magnolia big box store and pick up their latest home theater speakers! :rolleyes:

I'd still have a 3 hour drive to KC to even do that!
Yeah, but look at the fresh steaks available to you in Omaha !!

Yep I'm spoiled in that respect after having a nice thick T-bone it's hard to find much to complain about.:D
I am not sure that i really want to admit this, but here goes. Auditions did nothing for me. Each item that was auditioned could not be compared to others on an equal basis. Even when i found a dealer carrying items i was interested in, a side by side comparison was impossible.

Based on my equipment -
I "auditioned" the Lexicon and an Anthem at the same place but with different speakers and players in each setup.

I never heard the Marantz player that was eventually purchased. Just researched within a price range and had faith in the outcome.

When i first heard the Aeon i they sounded mediocre at best because of the room conditions.

Never even saw a Sunfire before it arrived by UPS.

There are places where amps and speakers can be switched for a side-by-side comparison (BB comes to mind), but i have never seen such an option in high-end dealerships.

Auditioning for the higher end stuff seems to be more by researching specifications and reading reviews.

I am not trying to undermine the importance of an actual audition, just relaying my experience in acquiring the system that i built.
It's actually a rare opportunity to be able to properly audition a speaker or component before making an expensive purchase but it's another thing to not even have a place to buy such items.
Which model are you looking at? I'm in Omaha and I have a pair of Aerius.

Hello there it's good to hear from another ML owner from Omaha.
Models I'd like to hear are CLX, Summit X, Spire, Vantage, and Vista. I never did get a chance to hear the Prodigys or Odyssey either unfortunately. I still need to post my system but right now I have Sequel IIs and CLSIIzs, I've owned Requests in he past .
Hello there it's good to hear from another ML owner from Omaha.
Models I'd like to hear are CLX, Summit X, Spire, Vantage, and Vista. I never did get a chance to hear the Prodigys or Odyssey either unfortunately. I still need to post my system but right now I have Sequel IIs and CLSIIzs, I've owned Requests in he past .

Ah haha sorry can't help ya there. Where are you in the city? I'm out in Millard.
Ah haha sorry can't help ya there. Where are you in the city? I'm out in Millard.

Millard too about 168th & West Center if you ever want to come by have a beer and check out my system let me know.