Is Roger Sanders Losing The Plot?

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What would happen if most ML owners decided that, you know, and amp designed for an ESL might be a good choice for an ESL, and sales of Rogers amps took off? Then he’d have a larger organization that might survive him, and much like ML after Gayle, there’d be a big happy cadre of users and factory support.
What you are saying, in effect, is that it is up to us to make it so !
If there is one thing that this thread makes you realise, it is that if you are in a small business on your own these days, and marketing to the public, you really need to be careful.

Forums like this can soon spread the word around and give you a bad reputation in no time whatsoever.

Whilst this was never the point of the thread, it is food for thought...
If there is one thing that this thread makes you realise, it is that if you are in a small business on your own these days, and marketing to the public, you really need to be careful.

Forums like this can soon spread the word around and give you a bad reputation in no time whatsoever.

Whilst this was never the point of the thread, it is food for thought...

Absolutely. And that is one reason I think that Roger works so hard to satisfy his customers. He really will do whatever it takes within reason to make you happy. Because I have experienced customer service from him like from nobody else, that is why I talk him up so much on this forum. I know he is a small manufacturer and needs all the marketing and goodwill that he can get. And I know he is willing to do whatever it takes to earn it. If you follow some of the other forums, you will find that he has a pretty loyal following.
Yeah - hey - you wouldn't believe it - but my Tri-Vista has started working again. The past three times I have used it it has played disc after disc without a single mis-track. Mad. Sure it won't last, though.

Is it the Tri-Vista DAC you are talking about. I have had one for a few years now and it works fine except for some occassional pops. Its interesting about the pops because sometimes I get a couple in the space of a 2 hour listening session and then it could be a week or more before I hear any more.

I had actually thought it was my transport causing the problem as I never get any pops when using the Sony as a transport played through the DAC. I tried this once for 3 weeks and didn't get any pops until I switched back to the CEC transport.
No - it's the first Tri-Vista SACD player. Same DAC section as yours, but it has better power supplies, I believe. The transport went bad, but is now behaving itself.

I don't get any pops. It's a great sounding digital player, though. And it can be used as a straight DAC. Rated Steropile (did I miss an h?:D) class A+. Good rating - I agree! Your DAC should be very close to it soundwise.

This guy is "best in world" so I am told for fixes: He does upgrades, too. Read the testiments. Long way to post, though.

Looks like the CEC might be the culprit... you'll have to sort that yourself!
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Hi guys, as I am waking up this morning and drinking my Sunday morning coffee, I came upon this thread. I wanted to jump in and add a few points of clarification to clear up any confusion here.

The interview on YouTube by AudiogoN was conducted during a trade show last year without notice and without preparation. Roger was in his demonstration room when in walked a crew asking for some time. Of course, he wanted to participate, but you have to keep in mind, this was all extemporaneous thought (without prep, without notes, without a teleprompter); so points are most likely going to be made in generalities. I am sure that there are points (massless, for example) that were not given enough detail to fully explore the topic; but there is also a balance of not putting people to sleep with too much detail. You know the old saying 'ask an engineer what time it is and he'll tell you how to make a watch' . If you have any questions on anything Roger said, I would suggest that you just pick up the phone and call him. He’s a nice guy and loves this stuff.

Roger’s curved electrostatic panel design was published in Speaker Builder Magazine in 1980. Patent was applied for during this time, but never issued because they ran out of money to secure the patent. Since this was published, it cannot be patented (it’s in the public domain). Martin Logan went on to use the same design as published by Roger for their curved electrostatic panels in the early 80’s. The patent(s) D302,979 D503,702 D503,397 D517,051 that Martin Logan has are not on the curved electrostatic panel design, but rather on ornamental design for a loudspeaker. Most assume it is on the panels; so I can see where people can be confused.

NOTE: I didn’t have these articles up on the website, but plan to later today. The three articles will be located here . The second article contains the curved cell design.

Since Roger has kept his overhead to a minimum and has operated his company on a cash basis, he is actually situated very well to survive and thrive in these uncertain economic times. Companies that have significant overhead and infrastructure costs, as well as operating much of the business on credit lines may have a much harder time riding out this economic downturn. Roger is positioned well and continues to develop and grow his product lines in both electronics and speakers.

Edited to add some information on Sanders Lifetime transferable warranty. Roger's prices for his products have been the same since he started Sanders. He changed his warranty policy this past year from industry standard to a lifetime transferable warranty without increase in prices for his products. Why? Roger stands behind his products 100% and wants his customers to know that he's got them covered. A side benefit is that this can help when audiophiles go to sell their gear - The ad can state that it comes with a lifetime mfr warranty. How many other audiophiles can offer that on the used market?

Articles are up!

One more thing, I've updated Roger on this and he just wanted me to say thanks to you for your input. He really does value it.

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Hi Angela, thanks so much for chiming in with those clarifications.

I would really like to read the Speaker Builder articles. I was a subscriber from '89 on. So I missed those earlier ones and look forward to seeing them on the page you linked.
