Increase in noise pollution, a dampener in Cochin

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Apr 1, 2011
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A quiet environment is conducive to the physiological and psychological well being of an individual.* Some of the disturbances and imbalances suffered by the human body due to excessive environmental noise levels are lack of concentration, sleep, headache, increase in blood pressure, nervous breakdown, inability to carry out conversation with others, decrease in hearing ability which often leads to deafness etc.
To measure both the quality as well as the quantity of noise in the environment, the magnitude of sound energy in the environment over a period of time is expressed in terms of a quantity called ‘Leq’, or the equivalent level, which if maintained continuously would be equal to the total energy emitted during that period.
Five areas each have been selected in the residential areas, commercial areas, and silence area to study the extent of noise pollution.* When developing Real Estate in Cochin for residential purposes, it is better to develop it in the silence areas since a vast majority of the people living in the residential colonies in the urban areas are already affected by the problems associated with noise pollution.
The noise generally generated from traffic is the major source of environmental pollution in Cochin, which is substantiated by the study results from sensitive, residential, commercial and industrial areas during day and night.* The main cause of noise pollution is from the worn out vehicles, autorickshaws running without silencers and the diesel engines that create much noise and vibration.* The noise pollution according to the survey conducted recently is more during daytime in the commercial areas rather than in the residential, industrial and silence areas.* However, the said night time is just for a few hours from mid night till sun rise.