Heard Summits for the first time

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Well-known member
MLO Supporter
Dec 15, 2006
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Wesley Chapel, Fl
Sleepysurf was kind enough to invite me to his home this week to see and listen to his setup. He has a very nice home and was a great host.

I had never seen the Summits and was surprised they were not larger. I have gotten use to looking at my SL3s and CLSs and the Summits were a radical change. The new panel perforation makes them so much more transparent and with no frames around them the panels almost seem to hang in the air.

Sleepy described his system as sounding analytical.

It was very clear and crisp sounding. The bass blended nicely from the woofers and never seemed hang on more than it should. I would guess much of the crispness was from the SS Belles amp he uses with the ModWright preamp. The Summits had a wide image that isolated voices and instruments wonderfully. The depth of the music was what I was most taken by and how delicate yet powerful it was. It's always, startling how much sound is produced by ML panels.

He asked me how it compared to what I was use to listening to. I know didn't give him a very good explanation at that time and I still may not have one. My CLSs with tubes sounded warmer and fuller as I would expect based on my past, some what limited listening to other systems. The SS amps I have listened to have had a (for lack of another description) tighter sound, less relaxed. They both had that classic ELS sound we have all chosen. Our rooms and listening distance are different so that adds more to the mix of the difference in the sound. I can't say one sounded better than the other, just different. I need to listen to other Summit and CLS systems before I could begin to decide which I might think is better. For now I could live with either one with no problem.

It does reinforced my feeling that the large cabinet between my CLSs although slightly behind them has a definite effect on the sound depth.

Sleepysurf as well as a number of you, uses a SqueeezBox system for much of his listening. It seems like a wonderful way to access your music from anywhere in the house. He explained how the system is implemented with the use of a laptop or another hard drive device. Thou the sound was very good he said for critical listening he still would use original material. I think I would be hard pressed to tell you which is which.
I told my wife about the SqueezeBox and even she seemed to get a bit of Joeyitis saying she would like it in our house.

Thanks again to Sleepysurf, I look forward to another chance to listen to them.
Very nice!

I love my squeezebox. When I think back to the decision to buy it, I can't believe I was waffling at the time. I can't imagine life without it now! I even have a second one in the bedroom!
I'll concur about the Squeezebox.. I waffled too, but it's a 30 day money back guarantee.. I don't know how I ever lived without it!

Your comments on the Summits mirrored what I thought too.. They are small, integration between bass and panel is awesome..
I got to hear SS's Summit system. If his are analytical, mine are more on the warm side...
Very nice!

I love my squeezebox. When I think back to the decision to buy it, I can't believe I was waffling at the time. I can't imagine life without it now! I even have a second one in the bedroom!

You guys are....I didn't waffle about it for one second. I went to this guys house and played with it for 5 min. I went home and got it.:D
You guys are....I didn't waffle about it for one second. I went to this guys house and played with it for 5 min. I went home and got it.:D

I never got to try it before I bought it, and had just dumped twice my budget at the time into my system. :) Had I tried it even once, I never would have waffled for sure.
I'm not running a dac currently. I'm planning on getting a lavry da10 eventually. Its not going to be part of my first round of buys though. I still might change my mind and go transporter, but I'm mostly on the dac side at the moment.
Are all SB3 owners here on MLO running external DACs?

No external DAC for me. I'm waiting to decide what HT processor to get and then probably run it directly into the DAC in it... I'm leaning toward Theta Casa III with extreme DAC for front and center channel... Of course this will most likely change when I get the funds together and start doing some serious auditioning...
Are all SB3 owners here on MLO running external DACs?

Yes and no. One in the bedroom is using the analog outs. One in the living room going digital into a Sharp 1bit CD/Minidisc system feeding Vandersteen 1C's. Haven't put one on the main Vista system yet. I still play a number of SACD's on that system and the SB can't help me with that.

Are all SB3 owners here on MLO running external DACs?
I'm running an external DAC, a CIAudio VDA-2 that I got (along with a CIAudio VAC-1 power supply) from Jeff Zaret on this forum. I was originally running the SB3 digital out into my Sunfire TGP-5 pre-pro, but when I A/B'd the two I found that the external DAC gave a fuller, more precise sound. (Note I was easily able to distinguish between the SB3's analog out and the TGP-5's DAC.)
Sleepysurf as well as a number of you, uses a SqueeezBox system for much of his listening. It seems like a wonderful way to access your music from anywhere in the house. He explained how the system is implemented with the use of a laptop or another hard drive device. Thou the sound was very good he said for critical listening he still would use original material. I think I would be hard pressed to tell you which is which.
I told my wife about the SqueezeBox and even she seemed to get a bit of Joeyitis saying she would like it in our house.

Keep in mind if you already own an iPod and you are not looking for wireless multiroom access, but instead just a way to have your play lists and all your music on the main system in an easy to access format, you can get DLO Delux Dock for the iPod video. I LOVE MINE and the newest version is even better and easier to use. It provides everything on your iPod to your music and video system and is SUPER easy to hook up and probably would sound even better if you use the right gear with it...don't think you need a DAC since it is just analog L/R out and composite video out. Needless to say the video picture is not GREAT, but you can play music along with slide shows right there, or just scroll through all your music using the remote whatever.

I love mine and use it all the time! It is really great for parties and the new version will allow you to create play lists on the fly vs. creating a "party" play list to download to the pod from your computer.

Did I mention slide shows? Yea, you play those with music right there on your TV, and it is your TV screen that you use for finding all your music, so you never have to get off the couch!
Sleepysurf was kind enough to invite me to his home this week to see and listen to his setup.... I look forward to another chance to listen to them.

Sorry, Brad, I had assumed you've seen/heard the Summits at our local Sound Advice/Tweeters. I was remiss in not letting you examine the Summits more closely, and demo'ing the range of the bass settings. I should also have demo'd the effect of Jason's spikes, by switching to the default backward tilt for a few tracks. Oh well, we'll save that demo for next time!

It was great meeting another MLOC member, and I think we were both surprised by our similar taste in music... great female vocalists (Patricia Barber, Diana Krall, Eva Cassidy, Jacintha), and lots of acoustic stuff (Al DiMeola/Paco de Lucia/John McLaughlin, Lightnin' Hopkins, Gary Karr, others). Brad brought Chesky's World's Greatest Audiophile Vocal Recordings, which is now #1 on my "next to buy" list.

Brad also brought over a large DIY acoustic panel, ~3x5 ft, which we tried placing in the center, in front of my RPTV. It seemed to improve imaging depth a bit, but we didn't have much time play with it.

As "analytical" sounding as my setup is, Craig's is the opposite... very "organic" and warm sounding, mainly due to his Art Audio über tube amp, but also his better room treatment/acoustics, with carefully placed diffusors and bass traps.

Hopefully we can arrange more ML listening sessions for all our Tampa Bay ML brethren... Brad, Craig, George, Randy (in Clearwater), and me. It would definitely be interesting for us to swap components in one anothers setups!