bi-wire double blind test

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Well-known member
Jul 3, 2008
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has anyone actually had a freind over too switch between speaker wires
to find out if you can really hear the difference or just feeling the Placebo effect? some people have a very strong opinion about the sound of cables while others do not. I know that their is a part of all of us that wants to believe but is it really real or have we convinced ourselves that it sounds better just beacuse we have spent more money and have heard some of the voodoo electronics that some of the cable companies like to tell us.
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I've done it many times when holding "audio evenings". Not only with speaker cables, but with interconnects and power cords as well. And yes...people are ALWAYS able to detect differences between cables in my system.
Though I've never felt the need for DB testing of any component, differences have been note by other who were unaware of the changes made. I have also noted differences in friends systems when I was unaware of the changes made.
I'm an open-minded sceptic, meaning I'm dubious of the gains one is suposed to get from certain tweaks, but I'm open-minded enough to give them a try. Because I'm not expecting the to work, I don't think the placebo effect exists for me, at least under certain cirumstances.

When I performed my own bi-wire experiments many years ago, I did it fully sighted--but I also wasn't expectingf to hear a difference. So I was pleasantly surprised when I did hear an improvement!
DB testing does not work for one simple reason. It takes time, sometime weeks, to get a real grasp on the sonic characteristics of a particular component.

Think of it this way: If I offered you to borrow a CD player or whatever, would just one afternoons' listening get you to truly understand the benefits of brand X over brand Y ?? Hell no !!

To truly appreciate some of these esoteric components you need TIME. There is no substitution for "experience", just like with anything else. So a 2 minute music clip teaches you nothing more about a HiFi device than a 30 mph drive around the block does about the handling of a Ferrari Enzo.

Can you tell that I really despise being told that if DBT can't resolve a value argument, then the argument doesn't exist ??:mad:

what bi-wire do you like

If this is so I would like to entertain the idea of purchasing better speaker wire for my spires. what do you like? I use a rotel 1072cd player > lexicon mc-8 > rotel 1095 amp I also prefer spade terminators