best amp for the cls iiz under $1500.00 new or used ?

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This is one of those rare instances that you may get good results with a modest tube amp on the CLS, because the small room will not allow you
to play music terribly loud anyway....

I used to have a pair of Aerius in a 10 x 11 room and it worked pretty well,
you just couldn't play too loud without overloading the room.
Thanks to all ,Im packing up my Emerald Physics to make room for the cls iiz

Thanks to all ,Im packing up my Emerald Physics to make room for the cls iiz as Im doing this post ,I am going to try the new Wyred 4 sound amp 250wtt/chin8ohms/500 wtt/ch :in 4 ohms/stable down to 1.5 ohms with a jolinda preamp tube .I should be getting them in a week or two,thanks for those who understand I just love the speakers and I will deal with the room limits later .Harry Ca:music:
Hi Harry,

Congrats on your new system. Obviously, you will have a "near field" listening environment, which has its pros and cons.

As a previous owner of the CLS2A's, I can understand your affinity to this model as well as those who would question your room size and this particular ML speaker.

Having said that, it's your decision and only you can decide if it's the right one or not.

Best of luck and happy listening.

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Hi Harry,

Congrats on your new system. Obviously, you will have a "near field" listening environment, which has its pros and cons.

As a previous owner of the CLS2A's, I can understand your affinity to this model as well as those who would question your room size and this particular ML speaker.

Having said that, it's your decision and only you can decide if it's the right one or not.

Best of luck and happy listening.


MOSCODE 600 with a pair of Speltz Zero autoformers.
cls iiz listen to 1st x ....WOW !!!!!

ok its not my system yet ,but I unpacked the cls's and hooked up to my NAD 372 (150/8ohms 300/4ohms ) blue collar amp (not my systems amp im going to use with my joilda tube cd player ,,,,wow they are a great speaker and as for room size ,hay I love it .I have sold my emerald pysics cs2 and my ps trio-100 and just boxed up my nad ,waiting for my arrival of my wyred 4 sound amp st-500 (250 wtt/ch/8ohms/500wtt/ch /4ohms/1000 wtt/ch /2ohms/ my jolida tube preamp when they arrive I will do a report ,thanks to all ,theses sound better than I remembered the accustats sounded :music: ps frank ie old blues eyes never sounded so good !!! w/ nad I was shoched .Harry Ca
Itry to match it w/ used mac pre-amp tube


While MAC makes some very musical preamps, there are, IMNSHO (that is "not so humble opinion") some equal or better choices for less.

Not wishing to garner the wrath of MAC owners, just PM me and we can converse about some recommendations and my experience.

thanks to all ,,a firend brought his CJ tube stuff to try !

A friend of mine (hard to believe I have friends ,lol) brought over his CJ tube 45 wtt/ch amp and the CJ preamp to use with my tube jolida cd player ,these speakers sound so good I keep playing cd after cd to hear something different and I do !!! .He is going to let me use his stuff until my amp(wyred 4 sound and jolida all tube preamp arrive ,what a great guy .Thanks to all I will keep you posted w/ pic when I get the amp /pre amp .Harry Ca :music:
thanks to all ,,a friend brought his CJ tube stuff to try !

A friend of mine (hard to believe I have friends ,lol) brought over his CJ tube 45 wtt/ch amp and the CJ preamp to use with my tube jolida cd player ,these speakers sound so good I keep playing cd after cd to hear something different and I do !!! .He is going to let me use his stuff until my amp(wyred 4 sound and jolida all tube preamp arrive ,what a great guy .Thanks to all I will keep you posted w/ pic when I get the amp /pre amp .Harry Ca :music:
A friend of mine (hard to believe I have friends ,lol) brought over his CJ tube 45 wtt/ch amp and the CJ preamp to use with my tube jolida cd player ,these speakers sound so good I keep playing cd after cd to hear something different and I do !!! .He is going to let me use his stuff until my amp(wyred 4 sound and jolida all tube preamp arrive ,what a great guy .Thanks to all I will keep you posted w/ pic when I get the amp /pre amp .Harry Ca :music:


Be sure and report back when you get the W4S amp hooked up!

I'm seriously considering running their largest 500 wpc version on my CLSII's. My room is not too big at 12'x21' and I'm sure the W4S will do just fine with the low impedance presented by the CLS.

My biggest 'problem' (if it can be called that ;) ) will be deciding on whether or not to run my Onix LS6 or the CLS in the room. The Onix are a much easier load and I know the W4S will be an awesome match for them...but the CLS will get their chance to be the Top Dog in the room.

I have spoken with a guy who ran CLS for 10+ years and recently replaced them with LS6s. He really did not believe that the Onix would be able to displace his beloved CLS -- in the midrange anyway as the LS6 are a line array design with (8) long-throw 6.5" drivers in a huge ported enclosure tuned in the upper 20's :D -- but after a few months of listening he has concluded that the LS6's (6) BG planars do indeed have the edge in the midrange/upper his ears anyway.

The CLS will have a large IB sub to shore up their (by far) largest weakness. I just upgraded from (8) 15" TC Sounds drivers to (4) FI Audio 18's with 30 mm of Xmax each way. :rocker: