A Marantz receiver I have has problems, question for you all

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Robert D

Well-known member
MLO Supporter
Jul 21, 2020
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So, the receiver has problems with the front left and right channels. Most of the time now they produce no sound at all to the speakers. Sometimes if I turn the power off and then back on, the sound returns for a short time and then is gone again.
I'm really not using it much now anyhow, but rather than throw it in the trash, it was over $2200 I spent on it, I'm thinking I could use a 2 channel amp with it. Emotiva has a nice one for just $499.
Is there a way I could test to see if the left and right audio rca outs work to put out a signal? I don't have any extra amps lying around. I'm guessing that the left and right amp channels are shot but that it should put out a signal so I can use an external amp; or would there be no signal at all now? The center channel works fine. I've only got the 3 speakers connected.
If the time comes that we want another working avr, I think getting that Emotiva amp might be smart. I dont want to get one though and find out it does me no good. I've never had a receiver go out like this. It really lowers my opinion of Marantz. It hasn't really been used a lot either and isn't very old.
So basically, if the amp for a channel is bad, will there still be a signal coming out of the pre-out jack so that I could connect it to an external amplifier?
I'm not sure if Emotiva or anyone else has a "30-day return" policy, or anything like that, but it might not be necessary... here's my thought process:

If you buy a 2 or 3-channel amp (I say 3 because it is far more likely to "tune" nicely when setting up for multi-channel listening), and your Marantz DOESN'T work (i.e. no signal on L/R RCA outputs), you will most likely still need to replace it... so long as the replacement receiver has Line-Level outputs, having an external amp will STILL be a better option, and likely allow you to (at least temporarily) get away with spending less on a replacement receiver. You can get a very high-functioning receiver these days (in terms of features, etc.) for not much, especially when you are not too worried about solid amplification. Your surrounds might suffer a bit, but eventually you might be able to deploy a Pre/Pro with more amps. Not sure if I'm picking up on the general direction of the question, but that's my $0.02...
I'm not sure if Emotiva or anyone else has a "30-day return" policy, or anything like that, but it might not be necessary... here's my thought process:

If you buy a 2 or 3-channel amp (I say 3 because it is far more likely to "tune" nicely when setting up for multi-channel listening), and your Marantz DOESN'T work (i.e. no signal on L/R RCA outputs), you will most likely still need to replace it... so long as the replacement receiver has Line-Level outputs, having an external amp will STILL be a better option, and likely allow you to (at least temporarily) get away with spending less on a replacement receiver. You can get a very high-functioning receiver these days (in terms of features, etc.) for not much, especially when you are not too worried about solid amplification. Your surrounds might suffer a bit, but eventually you might be able to deploy a Pre/Pro with more amps. Not sure if I'm picking up on the general direction of the question, but that's my $0.02...
I hadn't considered the 3 channel, but that's smart. An extra channel doesn't add much to cost. I too thought about if I had to get a new receiver, the external amp would still be an asset.
For now its just going to remain as it is. My daughters just use it for pc gaming on the basement setup, and are ok with just having the center channel for sound. In the future we might want it for more, so then I'll do something. They are both going to college apartments in August and I figure at some point they may ask if they can bring it there.

We could pick up a decent Yamaha receiver for about $600, that's what I'm comparing to. I think I'm done with Marantz after this failure. My main home theater currently has a SR8012 receiver and I'm always scared it will have problems now.

I guess I'm just not used to receivers breaking down, I've not had one before this Marantz. It was probably about 7 years old when it broke down. When I bought my new Marantz, the 1st receiver I got was bad right out of the box. Several channels had NO sound. We sent that back and I ended up buying a more expensive model out of fear of the model that was bad brand new.
Something you MIGHT consider (it would be good to get some feedback from other members) is looking at a used Anthem MRX receiver (500, 510, 520.. newest is 540); or 700,710,720)...

They are from Anthem (part of the same group (Paradig) that owns ML, tho' the MRX range is manufactured off-shore.

I bought a MRX500 10 years back... it suffered a power-supply issue soon after I got it (largely due to issues with my home's 110V installation), and since the $150 repair, it has been rock-solid. I had it driving a ML HT (Cinema, SL3s, Arius) for most the time, now it's my bedroom unit driving some Kef's.

The newer models (510, 520, 540; 710, 720, 740 in that order) added more features (Like 4K support, eARC (which still seems a bit troublesome), elements of streaming, etc., but even if you don't need those, they can be had on ebay fairly cheaply (MRX 5xx series from about $400, MRX 7xx series from about $600).

They all come with ARC (Anthem Room Correction), which is the precursor to ML PBK, etc. Might be a bit tricky getting them complete with ARC kits, and might not be the best idea to apply ARC to the older units (I have been told that if the older units have newer ARC stuff run, they can "Brick" pretty easily).

But, if you want a beefy receiver that will play all your channels, and if you're not likely to get all geeky on them, it might be a cost-efective way to get a few years of "Basement HT" going!

Just my $0.02... again!