3D Projector Talk, Anyone here thinking about getting one?

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Mar 6, 2010
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I have sold 2 of my 3 projectors and now I am in the market once again

Is there anyone on the forum considering 3D projection?

With all the new 3D models on the market the price for high quality 2D projection has dropped. Looking at ebay the prices on these used 2D models is the lowest I have ever witnessed. 7K projectors from 2 yrs ago that are starting at bids of $1500 are just being left untouched. I cant believe all the quality displays are just being ignored

If you think how important is 3D and how important picture quality is then add them together you come up with nothing to buy . Not one projector that has the best 2D has the best 3D and vice versa. The best 3D projectors have less than stellar blacks and contrast

I think I may buy a used pj for HQ 2D pic quality and a new 3D pj for the best 3D performance. The best 3D performers(acer 9500/benq w7000) have the lowest brightness output though and require a special high gain screen

The only middle ground to me seems like the epson 5010 with good 3D performance that is the brightest out there for 3D. The glasses eat 75% of the light and even on my 3D plasma I can only watch 3D in a blacked out room to enjoy it. The epson 5010 cant match the JVC 2D pic but the JVC has bad 3D and is useless in that regard

Maybe I should go for a JVC rs20 on ebay for $1600 and the $1699 acer 9500 for 3D but I still need a high power screen at $650. My wife limits me to spending 3K so its hard to make a decision
I have sold 2 of my 3 projectors and now I am in the market once again

Is there anyone on the forum considering 3D projection?

With all the new 3D models on the market the price for high quality 2D projection has dropped. Looking at ebay the prices on these used 2D models is the lowest I have ever witnessed. 7K projectors from 2 yrs ago that are starting at bids of $1500 are just being left untouched. I cant believe all the quality displays are just being ignored

If you think how important is 3D and how important picture quality is then add them together you come up with nothing to buy . Not one projector that has the best 2D has the best 3D and vice versa. The best 3D projectors have less than stellar blacks and contrast

I think I may buy a used pj for HQ 2D pic quality and a new 3D pj for the best 3D performance. The best 3D performers(acer 9500/benq w7000) have the lowest brightness output though and require a special high gain screen

The only middle ground to me seems like the epson 5010 with good 3D performance that is the brightest out there for 3D. The glasses eat 75% of the light and even on my 3D plasma I can only watch 3D in a blacked out room to enjoy it. The epson 5010 cant match the JVC 2D pic but the JVC has bad 3D and is useless in that regard

Maybe I should go for a JVC rs20 on ebay for $1600 and the $1699 acer 9500 for 3D but I still need a high power screen at $650. My wife limits me to spending 3K so its hard to make a decision

For many of the reasons you state, I'll be putting off 3D projection until the tech matures a bit more (much to my son's chagrin). Good luck with your next move.
I have sold 2 of my 3 projectors and now I am in the market once again

Is there anyone on the forum considering 3D projection?

With all the new 3D models on the market the price for high quality 2D projection has dropped. Looking at ebay the prices on these used 2D models is the lowest I have ever witnessed. 7K projectors from 2 yrs ago that are starting at bids of $1500 are just being left untouched. I cant believe all the quality displays are just being ignored

If you think how important is 3D and how important picture quality is then add them together you come up with nothing to buy . Not one projector that has the best 2D has the best 3D and vice versa. The best 3D projectors have less than stellar blacks and contrast

I think I may buy a used pj for HQ 2D pic quality and a new 3D pj for the best 3D performance. The best 3D performers(acer 9500/benq w7000) have the lowest brightness output though and require a special high gain screen

The only middle ground to me seems like the epson 5010 with good 3D performance that is the brightest out there for 3D. The glasses eat 75% of the light and even on my 3D plasma I can only watch 3D in a blacked out room to enjoy it. The epson 5010 cant match the JVC 2D pic but the JVC has bad 3D and is useless in that regard

Maybe I should go for a JVC rs20 on ebay for $1600 and the $1699 acer 9500 for 3D but I still need a high power screen at $650. My wife limits me to spending 3K so its hard to make a decision

All 3D TV's/Projectors are a waste of money at this present moment in time, stick with a decent 2D model. 3D will not take off until they start releasing the new ''GLASSES FREE 3D'' technology presently in the works - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MmsFl8TIWWc .
I was in a magnolia and got to check out some passive 3D tv's from LG and I have to say it was the most solid on the effect with no ghosting but the resolution was cut in half for the 2 frames that give the 3D effect. I wish HT projectors adopted the passive style and it can be done with 2 pj's but it looks like a big mess and requires expensive polarized screen material and filters, not to mention getting them lined up exact
Personally, I think 3d is too detrimental to the overall PQ and experience of the movie to even consider using it.
All 3D TV's/Projectors are a waste of money at this present moment in time, stick with a decent 2D model. 3D will not take off until they start releasing the new ''GLASSES FREE 3D'' technology presently in the works - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MmsFl8TIWWc .

IMO, the glasses-free tech has a really, really long way to go before issues like parallax distortion are suitably addressed.

As an aside, the media receiver for my 7 yr old Pioneer Elite Plasma (family room TV) bit the dust a few weeks ago. I looked into repairing it myself (non-trivial - I was hoping it was just a bad power supply, but appears to have been something more sinister). I also looked into having it repaired or replaced... those options were not cost-effective relative to just buying a new plasma set (sadly). So off to the recycling center went the old Elite (which I loved). Then it was time to look around at new Plasmas. Having seen OLED displays and knowing what's coming (hopefully coming) I decided to minimize my short-term investment and look in the <$1K range for a new plasma. I ended up with this basic LG from local Sam's Club (didn't want 3D and already have Apple TV so didn't need a smart TV either). This LG has been well reviewed, looks awesome with HD content, and at 60" is appreciably larger than my old 50" Elite. Only minor issue is highly reflective glass screen - but pulling the shades behind the viewing area takes 3 seconds.

PJM - sorry for the slight thread detour.
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I am actually in the middle of doing a repair on one of my plasmas and am thinking of just replacing the power board. I found the part on ebay for $60 ... have you looked on the bay?
scoured the Bay... no luck. The media receiver model I needed is a very rare commodity (I guess due to age and failure rates... lot's of other people are looking for the same one). Had my panel failed and the MR been OK, I could have sold it for a pretty penny.

That aside, my mom had a 42" Samsung that was shutting itself off. I opened it up and sure enough, several of the PS caps were swollen and resistor was fried (visibly). I replaced all the components in that section of the PS (using higher voltage rated caps) and it's worked like new ever since. I loves me a simple fix :)
When on the hunt I have found a nice $300 off coupon code on bounti.com for the Epson 5010. Here is the code ' BOUNTII ' This brings the price way down to $2400 and its cheaper than ebay or anyplace else. I am tempted to pull the trigger more than ever as I could put them saving to extra glasses for the niece's and nephew
When on the hunt I have found a nice $300 off coupon code on bounti.com for the Epson 5010. Here is the code ' BOUNTII ' This brings the price way down to $2400 and its cheaper than ebay or anyplace else. I am tempted to pull the trigger more than ever as I could put them saving to extra glasses for the niece's and nephew

You've done a lot of homework and seem to know what you want... I say - go for it!
When on the hunt I have found a nice $300 off coupon code on bounti.com for the Epson 5010. Here is the code ' BOUNTII ' This brings the price way down to $2400 and its cheaper than ebay or anyplace else. I am tempted to pull the trigger more than ever as I could put them saving to extra glasses for the niece's and nephew

As a proud user of the Epson 8700UB projector I can confirm that you won't be disappointed by the breathtaking performance of the 5010. As for 3D, if your family and friends are happy to sit around all day wearing cumbersome sunglasses just to watch tv then go for it. Unfortunately after a while they become uncomfortable and your head/eyes will start to ache.
Well yesterday I went round to some local electronic stores and go a demo of the panny 7000 and it looked really good. I saw the Epson 6010 thats just the same as the 5010. I got to view the acer h9500bd and 3d was dim compared to the other 2. The hd33 was another great pj in 3d but no so in 2d. I was so impressed with the Epson in 2d that I just decided to place an order online for the 5010. Just for reference I went and saw the avengers in 3D and was impressed so its has me looking forward to it coming through the door

Now I have to find 7 pairs of glasses and I think I might buy a huge da-lite 2.8 gain screen although I though the 3D of the Epson worked really well on a 120" 1.3 gain
Congrats projectormovielover, let us know how the 5010 works out at home.

I'm of the opinion that unless one spends crazy money on high-end dual projector setups, that 3D is just not good enough yet. So I'm also in the hunt for a decent 2D projector.
Since I'm coming off of 12+ years with my CRT projector (yes, that Sony G70, made in 1998 still makes beautiful 1080i and 720p images that only the most expensive JVCs can touch), I need something with deep, inky blacks. So I'm looking at the JVC X30 (RS45?) as my short term option. I really want a 4K LED/Laser lit PJ, but they are not here yet.
Hey jonfo, I got a demo of a jvcrs45 and it looked great but 3D was really crappy, for that reason I went with a 5010 as it had a great 2D pic and good 3D. I have been looking on ebay quite alot and if you don't need the 3D then you can score a jvc rs20 with the same contrast for around $1500 or refurb jvc rs40's retail for $1800 - $2000

My 5010 arrives Monday and my new 166" 235:1 screen arrives Wednesday so I feel like a big kid waiting for Christmas to come
As a proud user of the Epson 8700UB projector I can confirm that you won't be disappointed by the breathtaking performance of the 5010. As for 3D, if your family and friends are happy to sit around all day wearing cumbersome sunglasses just to watch tv then go for it. Unfortunately after a while they become uncomfortable and your head/eyes will start to ache.

I am also an owner of the Epson 8700UB and would highly recommend this projector to anybody that is serious of good quality. The price is very competitive at about $2k and I feel it competes well with the big boys (costing $3k and up).

As for 3D, I think it's horrible. I wear glasses already, so when I watch 3D now I'm wearing 2 pairs of glasses! The 3D still looks "fake". This is primarily due to the fact that they haven't solved the eye convergence issue. When you look toward something in the background, naturally it should come into focus and your eyes should adjust their angle in respect to each other. Of course this does not happen. This is why 3D movies never fool anybody into thinking their watching something real, your brain knows there is something wrong. And last but not least, the huge drop in video quality. Not only in resolution (I have read studies where the data seems to indicate that you loose about half the perceived resolution), but also the picture goes to half-brightness and the contrast goes to crap as well.

They tried the 3D gimmick a few decades ago, they're trying it now. But I don't think it's really catching on. 3D has been out for quite some time (Avatar came out in 2009!) and what percentage of overall TV watching is done in 3D.... probably less than 0.5%.
Congrats projectormovielover, let us know how the 5010 works out at home.

I'm of the opinion that unless one spends crazy money on high-end dual projector setups, that 3D is just not good enough yet. So I'm also in the hunt for a decent 2D projector.
Since I'm coming off of 12+ years with my CRT projector (yes, that Sony G70, made in 1998 still makes beautiful 1080i and 720p images that only the most expensive JVCs can touch), I need something with deep, inky blacks. So I'm looking at the JVC X30 (RS45?) as my short term option. I really want a 4K LED/Laser lit PJ, but they are not here yet.


I am on my third 3D projector which is now 3rd gen. Started with the Sony 90ES, not bad for first gen. Then on to the 95ES, 3D is better and 2D is outstanding, then the Sony 1000ES 4K projector, both 2D and 3D are as good as what you see in movie theaters. I think you need to see this one both with and without 4K material. 2D is the best when upscaled to 4K and is the best I have ever seen and I have seen just about everything out there. 3D is ghost free and on a HP screen it can blow the mind. I have been taking all my personal video and still pictures in 3D for over 3 years and some of the videos and stills in 3D put you in the moment again. With good 3D you don't look at it, you expereince it. Again, check out the 1000ES it will blow you away with its 2D and 3D PQ. There are now somewhere north of 150 3D movies out, and some but not all are magical. It is those magical ones that make it worth while IMO. When you are watching a movie in your home and it starts snowing in the room, well my description just doesn't do it justice. Anyway, my point is there is some serious kit out there now, so trying to judge 3D or even 2D by what I have read here is probably not the best course of action:)

I forgot to mention, I have three 3D flat screens and the passive 55 and 65 LG is pretty amazing, and rated best of the best for passive, if that is your preference:)
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How confident are you all that 3D will be a viable media 5 to 10 years from now?

Seems as if consumer acceptance is mediocre at best.

How confident are you all that 3D will be a viable media 5 to 10 years from now?

Seems as if consumer acceptance is mediocre at best.


3D is not going to go away and it is a tech that is here to stay. Many new tech's took a long while to develop and mature but now we are getting there sooner than later. I think there is going to be a passive vs active competition in the pj world but the active will win because its cheaper to buy a screen. The fact is that people like to have a choice on how they view their content and it's not a big deal for manufacturers to tack some 3D proccessing into a tv.

I just got 'Hugo' on 3d bluray and the picture was just a fine example of how 3d can be done right. I bought 'Journey to blah blah Island' and although it was shot in 3d the effect was a little lame.

JMAUSGP I can't believe you got a sony 1000es as that is a 20k pj lol. I would love to own that projector but the 4k tech will be available for less than 4K in 2 yrs from now. I would be very interested if you purchased a darbee vision darbet and used it when in the 4k upscale mode

How confident are you all that 3D will be a viable media 5 to 10 years from now?

Seems as if consumer acceptance is mediocre at best.


It's coming in by stealth, Gordon. Just as TVs are slowly turning into PCs in disguise. Soon, even budget sets will have a 3D capability - it'll be hard to buy a set without it in a few years time. Use it or abuse it.