Robin: Good evening. What a great thread! I can't believe there isn't more traffic to this question. I am now going to admit to being a "dinosaur", but I don't get this quote from this guy:
"In relationships, men are guests within a woman's world. Which is the exact opposite of what's happening in the listening room!" And what does the "integrate" mean? After reading the article I find Kaye's idea to be a half-truth in the real world today. Let me give an opinion why:
While out shopping, I think we have all met that condescending person in one form or another, whether as a computer geek, in sales, etc. When you walk into a particular store, (most of the time) you seem to know if the salesperson knows what they are talking about or are off on their own ego trip. But the idea that music is a man's world confuses me. I think woman have a superior ability to both hear and to express, (both written and spoken) experiences. Since the way people listen may be varied, (I would love to give these reviewers a hearing test first, then see what they think they hear), isn't it the enjoyment of the music the bottom line? That may be why people form different opinions about the look and sound of different speakers. And, that overall experience. Rude and poor sales representatives are just shooting the "high end" in the foot. However; isn't there room for everyone? If you want some home theater equipment parts to match a room, a color, a style, a size, or whatever; what's the problem. If you want to make a statement or set a mood, it's your money. Who are you buying this stuff to please? Maybe it's really the women letting you think their the guests, while all along they just knew better. Or are Fred Flintstone and I just becoming extinct?