Universal player ideas

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Nov 25, 2005
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I think my Pioneer DVD is trully on it's last legs. I am considering a universal player to replace not only it but my Musical Fidelity 3.5 Cd player as well. I know Dan has had success with Modwright, wondering what other recomendations those of you that have used such, might have. My emphasis is on the audio more than the video. Would something under $3000 fill the bill...CD, SACD, DVD ???

I think the Denons are great players.

Denon 2900 for under $1000,
Denon 3900 $1500.
I just picked up a OPPO 970HD for under $200 and it's a great universal player.

Everybody has there own favorite, so that's a couple. :)
chris03053 said:

I think the Denons are great players.

Denon 2900 for under $1000,
Denon 3900 $1500.
I just picked up a OPPO 970HD for under $200 and it's a great universal player.

Everybody has there own favorite, so that's a couple. :)
Denon has the DVD-2930 and 3930 coming out now. I have been pondering the idea of picking up a 2930 and letting Modwright work there magic. :)


I am using a Theta Carmen transport which is very good. The new Compli is excellent too. There is also the possibility of looking at a used David II (I am looking for one at the moment, but they are extremely rare to find in the UK!)

twich54 said:
My emphasis is on the audio more than the video. Would something under $3000 fill the bill...CD, SACD, DVD ???
Dave....Many ways to go here. If you want to pick up a complete player already modded, then Allen Wright of VSE has a player:


Note, it is a Sony, so no DVD-A playback, but you will get CD, SACD, & DVD

For getting a player modded, also many ways to go. Look at the sites for Dan Wright (Modwright) or Allen Wright (Vacuum State Electronics) and see what players they mod. Then pick up one of those players and have it modded. Total cost should be under $3k for a great sounding audio player.

A good friend of mine had his 777ES done to VSE Level 5+ and is estatic about the results.

twich54 said:
I am considering a universal player to replace not only it but my Musical Fidelity 3.5 Cd player as well.

Make sure you test the loading times. Many of these universal players take a lot to start playing, and if your emphasis is more on the audio side, you might get nervous about the wait.
DTB300 said:
Dave....Many ways to go here. If you want to pick up a complete player already modded, then Allen Wright of VSE has a player:


Note, it is a Sony, so no DVD-A playback, but you will get CD, SACD, & DVD


Dan, i know weve spoken often on this and while the above unit seems somewhat interesting it appears to be a lower end Sony unit that has been modded ??, correct ?? I must admitt that a thousand dollars of mods put into a $2-400 player seems to defy "logic", imagine using that word in our hobby !!
twich54 said:
Dan, i know weve spoken often on this and while the above unit seems somewhat interesting it appears to be a lower end Sony unit that has been modded ??, correct ?? I must admitt that a thousand dollars of mods put into a $2-400 player seems to defy "logic", imagine using that word in our hobby !!
Not always. My player was $1500 brand new, but I picked it up used for under $500 and spend $800 on mods. So I have spent less than brand new, but have a player that performs better than any player I have heard for $3k or less.

Many options out there for the manufacturer and mods you want to have done. I firmly believe in two I have mentioned....Modwright and Vacuum State.

What about the Arcam DV137? Don't know much about them, but have always been very impressed with their products. I think I heard that they had some firmware problems at launch...but most of them are probably sorted out by now...
twich54 said:
Longhorn, hell of a unit, no doubt, but as stated in the begining way out of my league $$$$ wise.

Check audiogon.com. Usually between $2500-$35000.
Here are some options...

twich54 said:
I think my Pioneer DVD is trully on it's last legs. I am considering a universal player to replace not only it but my Musical Fidelity 3.5 Cd player as well. I know Dan has had success with Modwright, wondering what other recomendations those of you that have used such, might have. My emphasis is on the audio more than the video. Would something under $3000 fill the bill...CD, SACD, DVD ???
If you really need an universal player then the ModWright Denon is a safe choice. I have lots of respect for Dan's work and I do own his preamp. For digital, I went on the....bleeding edge a bit and got the APL Modded Pioneer 563SA. At the time, I just felt that Alex had a good handle on the digital front and he was more adventurous with his mods going beyond replacing analog parts. The APL Pioneer is no longer part of APL offering but the new "entry-level" is a good unit from Sony: APL's Sony product announcement.
Another red-book only option (which I am seriously considering, still) is the RWA modded Olive Music Server. I was eyeing a HD music server a little while now but had some concern with the power-supply and analogue stage, until now that Vinnie came up with an excellent package.
I should also mention that the ARC CD3 player is an excellent, very musical unit and it can be had for around $2500 on A'Gon.

Good Luck
Spike said:
The APL Pioneer is no longer part of APL offering but the new "entry-level" is a good unit from Sony: APL's Sony product announcement.
Nothing but good things stated about APL products....But.... APL use to be notorious for very very very long delivery times, lack of response to clients via email or phone calls, etc. etc. Has this changed any? Old habits and old "labels" are hard to change especially in this business.
