For stereo only users, on jazz, and classical music, with ML Theos I'm a fan of small watt SET tube amps and KT88 based tube integrated's.
With great success I've mated a Shuguang S8MK integrated stocked with upgraded Black Treasure tubes. The below amp is 60 watts. Regarding low watt SET amps, I use a 10 watt Dennis Had Inspire Fire Bottle KT88 SET amp with a matching Inspire preamp.
I use a single Depth i sub which is more than adequate for my room.
Folks have the misconception that all ML's are power hungry. For 20 years I drove ML's with 100 watt Class A Plinius and Pass Lab amps. My solid state days are long gone. Small watt tube power is power a plenty for an average room. Everyone listens differently and has individual volume needs depending upon their musical tastes and listening habits. But don't rule out quality low watt power.
With great success I've mated a Shuguang S8MK integrated stocked with upgraded Black Treasure tubes. The below amp is 60 watts. Regarding low watt SET amps, I use a 10 watt Dennis Had Inspire Fire Bottle KT88 SET amp with a matching Inspire preamp.
I use a single Depth i sub which is more than adequate for my room.
Folks have the misconception that all ML's are power hungry. For 20 years I drove ML's with 100 watt Class A Plinius and Pass Lab amps. My solid state days are long gone. Small watt tube power is power a plenty for an average room. Everyone listens differently and has individual volume needs depending upon their musical tastes and listening habits. But don't rule out quality low watt power.