Good, Bad and Ugly...
This past year has been interesting as a audiophile who owns ML's.
The Good -
1). Owning the very best speakers in the world ML's...
2). Bring a power amp to my system
3). Powering my HT room with adequate power.
4). Reading about all the wonderful ML customer service, Jim Power.
5). Helping others here at the ML Club.
6). Bringing HD to my HT via "Comcast" cable.
7). Blue-Ray coming soon.
The Bad -
1). Not having enough cash to expand my audiophile interests immediately.
2). Having to save for all the audio gear I would like.
3). Not knowing enough about electronics.
4). Thinking negative thoughts about electronic / entertainment industry.
The Ugly -
1). Listening to ignorant young sales people, too long before walking away.
2). Working too long not listening to more music.
3). Thinking back about all the wonderful records I used to own.
4). Wishing I was fabulously wealthy.

Anyone have any experiences they would like to share?