Here is a great video with Gayle Sanders one of the Martin Logan cofounders discussing the Martin Logan story!
Yeah is it not great to hear all this? When I found out about it I was amazed.Wow! Absolutely incredible interview! I had no idea about the roles NASA, Bob Carver, and Paul McGowan played in ML's history, nor the potential partnership with Noel Lee (which, thankfully, never came to fruition)! I'm keeping my fingers crossed that Scott and John Bagby, since acquiring the company from Shoreview, continue supporting the remaining ML team to continue their innovation and bring out more high-end designs (in addition to the more mainstream consumer stuff). Time will tell!
Very enjoyable to watch
Poor Joe turning an engineer into a audiophile-poor bastard, welcome Joe.
Dealers being invited to the company, dinner, and then listening to the Statement - Did you get to experience that Shawn?
Having a great team - How about hiring back Jim Powers please.
Never had heard of Eikon speakers before this video and would love to listen to them to see what Mr. Sanders is up to now.
Thanks for posting this.
... Never had heard of Eikon speakers before this video and would love to listen to them to see what Mr. Sanders is up to now...