System #321 (Preface, Fresco i, Dynamo)

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Jun 23, 2009
Reaction score
Bay Area, CA
1. Member Name: Jeff Kaczor
2. Location: Bay Area, CA
3. ML Model(s): Preface / Fresco i / Dynamo (Orignal 200w RMS variety)
4. Year Purchased: 2009
5. Mods/Changes: None

6. Associated Electronics:

Updated 7/2011 - Tube TV finally broke and replaced it last month:
Main Components: Panasonic TC-P65VT30, Denon AVR-2809CI, Martin Logan Preface (2), Fresco i (3), Dynamo (Original), Panasonic DMP-BDT310 (came with TV), DMR-EZ48V DVD-RW/VCR Combo, Sony PS3 (SACD Capable), Roku XR, Sonos Z90, Panamax M5300-PM, Audioquest Vodka (2), Carbon (2), Forest (1), Ideal-Lume Standard (D65 Backlight)

Still looking to get an Oppo and I killed my SAT. Only do BD or streaming content now for visual, still love SACD over CD for audio. Need to purchase a good TT, but might hold off and place that downstairs.

Decided that I'll leave this ML setup as my HT and build out a 2 channel ML setup downstairs. Aiming for a pair of CLXs or Summit X with a Descent i. My problem is getting the pre and amps to drive em at the same time. Kinda hard on the pocket book and to buy em in phases would yeild equipment I couldn't use till the basic framework was complete. Open to suggestions on how to piece this together in phases. I would love to use the Pass Labs xa100.5 to drive them.

Original List:
Denon 2809CI, Panasonic DMR-EZ48V DVD-RW/VCR Combo, DirecTV Tivo, Sony Turntable (upgrading to TECHNICS SL-1200MK2 Turntable, wife has a nice LP collection), PS2 (PS3 is downstairs with the HD TV), Roku Player

Adding OPPO BDP-83 when I can order (for SA-CD then later the BD player)

Oh yeah, to boot this is installed on the ole SD TV which I hope I can upgrade next year. Wife still loves the SD. :p

7. Comments and/or stories about your Martin Logan experience:

Edit: Trimmed the long story that used to be here.

Well, finally got around to registering my ML warranties, and decided it was time to register here as well.

First I would like to say I am a very, very happy camper! I first heard of ML when reading an article last year on headphones. Someone had picked up a brand new electrostatic set (not ML) which had been in storage at a shop for a number of years. I had not heard of electrostatic before, so I did some cross research and became hooked on the concept. Of course, in my research I ran across ML.

If I could, I would remove the coffee table which is interfering with the left main. However, given that this is the family room and I managed to maintain great WAF and the 3 year old can get around without much problem, think it is a win win compromise. I managed to get two seats in the sweet spot with a 3rd that's close (a bit further to the left); however, in the end I placed everything to be centered around my spot as I think I'm the only one that really cares.

When I replace the SD TV next year (hoping it breaks before I just up and do it), I plan on mounting the center channel below the TV lined up with the ATF drivers in the Prefaces. (LOL, didn't plan on getting such a big set. Had to mount the center above the TV, but was able to aim it correctly.)

Oh and I know that the center should be mounted center to the TV. I actually centered the center channel to the wall and the picture above as it probably would have agreed with my wife better. As it stands now, it's centered in the audio field and the new TV is centered to the audio field as well.

P.S. I'm adding a few shots to depict the room they sit in. As a nice side effect, the sound from the mains seem to bounce around and into the kitchen nicely -- which is behind the wall the center channel is mounted on. The sub is placed behind and to the left of the tall lamp on the left of the system -- out of reach of our lovely little one.

Thanks for reading all this if you did! :cool:


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Note: I know that the center channel is not perfectly centered with the front mains (off axis by 5 inches) but it is centered with the wall which was a factor I could not coax out of my lovely wife. However, the mains are centered on my main listening spot and if I move just a bit over then I'm centered as well as I can be for 5.1. Ah the compromises. I guess later I could move the left speaker over when I get the HD TV and center things up even better. In all, I have to say thank you to my wife who let me have almost 100% free reign with this project. :D

Here is the rear surrounds:


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And 3 shots to depict the room they sit in. I guess if anything I got lucky with the lack of full side walls very close to the sides of the speakers.


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Shot 2 of room depiction:

I should note that behind all the stuff we placed on those racks in the background is about 1/2 of our DVD collection. Also, the entire bottom shelf is where my wife's LP collection is. The racks served well storing all the items we needed to get away from a newborn.


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In the background you can see sheet music on the top of my keyboard. I'm seriously thinking about running a cable to the receiver and hooking it up to the MLs. :D


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Thank you to you and all who have been so welcoming. I hope to inspire others with similar ML setups. I feel simple against the systems I see posted here; however, I also see what is possible down the road. In time I'll be able to update this system and build out my 2nd system downstairs. Ah just a matter of time. I still dream of my dedicated HT room, but atlas with 4 kids (2.5 already out the door - long story) and other objectives I must attend to 1st, the dedicated HT room is still probably 10 years out. I just hope that in 5 years I can look back and say "why did I think it would take 10 years?"

In a way I think it is cool I got system 321. Reminds me of a show when I was a kid. 3-2-1 contact! Feels like it was almost that simple to assemble.

Also, it could serve as 3 Fresco i's, 2 Prefaces, 1 Dynamo. :p
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I have said it before and I will say it again I love the preface they can really rock!
It's alive!

We picked him up one year at a county fair. Local puppeteer made him and boy does he eat!

Love the way he responds for a simple string puppet.

One things for sure, all our dogs and cats think he's the alpha. I think our bird even pays respects. :)


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Updates to my system.

Well, has been a while since I've visited the site.

A lot has changed since my original post, but I'll stick to just the changes to system #321.

Back when I started this project, I started with the audio. My ears are better than my eyes. :) However, I fully planned on updating the system with a nice set once the CRT broke. Believe me, there were times I would wish it would just up and die so I could go get my set. At the same time, I am glad it lasted as long as it did, as my baby could touch it, draw on it, and not hurt it.

Well, she's grown a bit, and the set finally broke down. Whoot! Still need to buy myself an Oppo and build out my 2 channel listening room. At least I still got projects to look forward to. :)

So here's how she looks now. Not the greatest pictures, still have not gotten around to buying a great camera.

Main Components: Panasonic TC-P65VT30, Denon AVR-2809CI, Martin Logan Preface (2), Fresco i (3), Dynamo (Original), Panasonic DMP-BDT310 (came with TV), DMR-EZ48V DVD-RW/VCR Combo, Sony PS3 (SACD Capable), Roku XR, Sonos Z90, Panamax M5300-PM, Audioquest Vodka (2), Carbon (2), Forest (1), Ideal-Lume Standard (D65 Backlight)

Audio sounds as great as before, actually a bit better. Finally moved the center channel to be in the right spot (centered between the left and right) and I think the cable changes and the power conditioner upgrade made a difference too. Could be that I expect a difference so I listened for one; however, I did hear things in certain titles that I didn't hear before. Never mind the fact that I'm seeing things that I never saw before. :eek:

Sorry these shots are more of the new TV now that I think of it, but tis really the main centerpeice that changed and one that completes what I set out to do back in 2009. Hoping my next update it a whole new system post of my dream setup for downstairs. A pair of CLXs or Decent X and a Decent i with Pass Labs XA100.5 to drive them.

Day Shot (with flash? doh!):

Night Shot, D65 backlight can be seen. Picture kinda grainy due to low light.

Last Shot, scene bright enought to drown out the backlight. Still breaking in the set, then getting it calibrated.
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