Stick a Fork in Me, I'm done!
Okay for those who have been watching this train wreck in slow motion, I finally got the final piece to my ML CLX 5.1 system puzzle. I originally estimated that it would only be a few weeks, as it turned out it took 3 months.
Interestingly, due to the Internet I was able to talk online with the designer of my McCormack MAP-1 analogue pre-amp. I absolutely loved the Steve McCormack design and performance of the MAP-1 for its ability to play Multi-Channel music like SACD, DVDA, and DVD video formats and then at the switch of a button it could turn a two channel source like a CD or TT into a discrete 6 channel system using Steve McCormacks ARM circuit that sounded extremely close to SACD and DVDA content.
Steve McCormack left McCormack Audio after it's acquistion by Conrad Johnson and started his own SMc Audio company. Intially he offered upgrades to the various McCormack products like the DNA series, RLD, DAC, ALD, TLC, etc that were manufactured by McCormack Audio. He also had developed a new two channel Virtual Reality Engine VRE pre-amp. Initially there was no upgrade for the MAP-1 Pre-Amp that I loved so much. Steve and I got to talking and next thing I know I am buying a new MAP-1 and having it shipped directly to Steve to design an upgrade for the MAP-1.
Well long story short, Steve came up with a Design and cost that I could not pass up. It took a little longer than either he or I thought but as they say all good things come to pass or was it patients are golden or good things come to those who wait or maybe it was don't wait to be good.
Whatever the SMc Audio modded MAP-1 came yesterday and I decided to do a side by side with the old MAP-1 that I still had. I was hoping and expecting a difference but I was not prepared for what I heard. Straight out of the box the SMc MAP-1 sounded deeper, more real with much more body to the music. Instruments were better separated and there was much better resolution with more air throughout the audio spectrum. It was night and day when compared to the standard McCormack MAP-1. I stayed up until after 2 am and will probably end up doing the same tonight.
I am looking forward to going back through my music collection and listening to every single disc and vinyl LP with the SMc modded MAP-1. Oh and it is kind of cool that in the whole world, at least for a short time I have the only one in existance. So at least for now I have the only MAP-1 that can take the McCormack ARM circuit and SACD/DVDA along with the persons listening to it, to that next level. I think I will be scarce from the MLOC for a while as I explore sonic nirvana with what to me is getting to be just about as good as I can make it. Or at least as much as I can afford without affecting my lifestyle

Message to TonePub: Stick a fork in me, I am least for a while:devil:
Oh and Justin, this is what I was alluding too. I am still looking to add a pair of used CLXs to the rear channels. Until then, Rock on:rocker: