Thanks for the compliment. I think my setup is average but IMHO, I think it sounds great. I have made some more changes but no new pictures yet. Yes, my dog like the music and sits with me when I listen and also when I watch TV. The only problem I have is that she will not go to the kitchen and get me a drink or a munchie but I am working on that.
I may get shot for this but I think the CLSiiZ's, to my ears and taste, sound better than the Ascent i's. It is a different sound and because there is no woofer, it is all panel. I will say that they do not extend as low as the Ascent i's can go but that is why I have a Depth sub to make up the lack of deep bass. I also have a pair of Sequel II's that were predecessors to the SL3's which then were replaced by the Ascents then the Ascent i's. So I am familiar with the "type" of sound the Ascent i's produce. I think the Ascents in general display a larger soundstage than the Sequels did but that is from memory not comparison.
I chose the CJ because of a few things. I bought the CJ because it was a demo with less than 30 hours on it and was about 30% less than retail.
I liked the construction and the philosphy of CJ and I talked with a few repair people regarding CJ's preamps and they were praised very highly.
Sunfire is great equipment but it is out of my price and justification range. I think what Bob Carver has done is phenomenal with all his products. At that point in time it just did not fill the need and/or void I had. All I wanted was a simple preamp. What I lost from my SS preamp was remote capability and a phono preamp. The remote was not that big of a deal because I still have to get up to turn on/off the amp. The phono preamp I solved by buying a NAD phono preamp and maybe someday I may look in to a CJ phono pre but that too is a bit of cash. For the most part I listen to 2 channel music so all the bells and whistles of a HT preamp was not my immediate concern. This was an amazing change and very noticable in sound quality and presentation. This is not to say what I had was bad this was just better.
I have some changes that I will be doing in the next few weeks so stay tuned. Lets just say that I am designing in some changes that will allow me to have my 2 channel system and a HT setup LOL
If you are ever down in Sountern California and we can hook up you are welcome to listen to my CLSiiZ's.
Thanks for the compliment. I think my setup is average but IMHO, I think it sounds great. I have made some more changes but no new pictures yet. Yes, my dog like the music and sits with me when I listen and also when I watch TV. The only problem I have is that she will not go to the kitchen and get me a drink or a munchie but I am working on that.
I may get shot for this but I think the CLSiiZ's, to my ears and taste, sound better than the Ascent i's. It is a different sound and because there is no woofer, it is all panel. I will say that they do not extend as low as the Ascent i's can go but that is why I have a Depth sub to make up the lack of deep bass. I also have a pair of Sequel II's that were predecessors to the SL3's which then were replaced by the Ascents then the Ascent i's. So I am familiar with the "type" of sound the Ascent i's produce. I think the Ascents in general display a larger soundstage than the Sequels did but that is from memory not comparison.
I chose the CJ because of a few things. I bought the CJ because it was a demo with less than 30 hours on it and was about 30% less than retail.
Sunfire is great equipment but it is out of my price and justification range. I think what Bob Carver has done is phenomenal with all his products. At that point in time it just did not fill the need and/or void I had. All I wanted was a simple preamp. What I lost from my SS preamp was remote capability and a phono preamp. The remote was not that big of a deal because I still have to get up to turn on/off the amp. The phono preamp I solved by buying a NAD phono preamp and maybe someday I may look in to a CJ phono pre but that too is a bit of cash. For the most part I listen to 2 channel music so all the bells and whistles of a HT preamp was not my immediate concern. This was an amazing change and very noticable in sound quality and presentation. This is not to say what I had was bad this was just better.
I have some changes that I will be doing in the next few weeks so stay tuned. Lets just say that I am designing in some changes that will allow me to have my 2 channel system and a HT setup LOL
If you are ever down in Sountern California and we can hook up you are welcome to listen to my CLSiiZ's.