Funny, I just sold my Sunfire TG and never once even tried the Holography mode. I only had it for about two months but I guess I should have given it a listen.
Dan, nice system.
I could not agree more on the Sunfire's. Funny that I also have 12 channels of sunfire amplification (Stereo, CG, CGS) in my rig.
I gather you bi-amp the reQuests, where do the other channels go to?
Have you considered active crossovers for you reQuests? That would totally transform them for just $700 worth of processor investment (a DriveRack 260). You've got the amplification to do it with.
Jon, have you ever made a 'Active Crossover / Biamping FAQ' with the hows, why's and whats to make it happen? Obviously lots of that detail is in many of your threads, but is there one consolidated place that tells me why and how I should do it? (other than the 'it sounds better' for the Why)
Hey Dan, looking forward to viewing you're new setup. Posting mine up in a bit as well. Great room you've got.
I can honestly say , I dont miss mine! Albeit great in many areas at a lot my room or my ears didn't agree ! Time , age or speakers just wouldn't all line up.. It took three pair of demo speakers to prove it but it was obvious !