Subwoofer for Aeon i ?

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Well-known member
Mar 18, 2006
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Might add a sub. Looking @ "Velodyne SPL-1000 R " $1299. What are your thoughts and if you think thw Aeon needs a sub. Thanks for you input!

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Adding a Descent to my Aeons not only increased bass, but greatly enlarged the soundstage in depth, width, and height.
What do you guys think would be the best crossover point between Aeon i's and a subwoofer.

Presently i have the crossover at 80 hz.

I am using a Mirage S12 subwoofer.
I just added an SVS PC-Ultra to my Aerius's and it makes a big difference in the sound of the speakers. There is more weight, obviously, but it also seems to make all the instruments sound more natural. The PC-Ultra is about the same price as the Velodyne you show, but I'll bet the SVS goes lower in frequency and I can verify that it works great for deep movie bass as well as music.

The SVS replaces a Mirage BP-150i. I thought the Mirage was well integrated with the Aerius's, but the SVS is much "tighter" and blends more seemlessly. The sound is very choherent with it.

As I look to upgrade the Aerius's the SVS Ultra is so good that I will probably go with the Vista's. Why spend the $$ on powered woofers in the Vantages, when they will be crossed over at 60 Hz anyway.

rampage60 said:
Might add a sub. Looking @ "Velodyne SPL-1000 R " $1299. What are your thoughts and if you think thw Aeon needs a sub. Thanks for you input!


Yes, I think the aeon-i needs a sub. I plan on adding that to mine in the near future. It's interesting though that it also seems to depend on the recording I'm listening to. John lee Hooker sounds amazing, whereas bass notes from some beastie boys albums seems a bit light.

I'm sticking with ML subs.
Scumurculum, I have not heard a Mirage sub but I have the crossover on my Outlaw ICBM set to 40Hz and seem to get wonderful sound from my Aeons.
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In my system (Aerius i) I use the older Velodyne SPL 1000 MKII. More or less the same specs like the SPL 1000-R, but without the frequence control.

It is a 2 channel system only and the crossover at the sub is set at +/- 65 Hz. I am very happy with the result, but I didn't audition other brands. The sound increases overall, like the other writes described above. Velodyne offers good products I think and the SPL-series gives you deep and well defined bass coming out of a small box. For me (an my wife......), the box dimensions were important.

Velodyne makes some wicked subs, really great! I am the distributor of Velodyne in the Netherlands, so I am biased though... :D They are one of a few brands that makes subs that are 'quick' enough to really handle music elegantly.
This sub I purchased is just incredible! I can't believe the tight accurate powerful bass that this small cube puts out! I recommend the Paradigm Seismic 10 if you listen to Jazz of all types. Definitely 2 thumbs up!
