ML Has No Statement...
IMHO, I think it is a very sad turn of events. I loved the fact that ML R&D'ed the Statement E2, as the "What if" in electrostatic hybird speaker design. The Statement E2 was in all of their literature. In fact, if you recall in the ML product line pamphelet, each speaker is compaired is some way with how it's electrostaic panels were somehow similar to the Statement E2. My Ascent i's were contrasted to the Statement E2's...
Now what is ML going to compare their products to, when their is no ML Statement? I suppose they will just re-write the product pamphelet, without the Statement E2...
I think the Statement E2, should be continued to be R&D'ed, up graded and built every year as ML statement to the audio world, but in a limited way as it is now. I know they only manufacture about ten of these units per year, and they charge what they need to and they also have no problems selling them all..., to the rich, and to the audiophiles that want them. Their is a market and it is profitable. IMHO, it's necessary to continue to R&D to push the envelop and the Statement E2 makes this possible. The Statement E2 really is one of the speakers that makes ML speakers unique and audiophile high-end cutting edge. I guess, I am in agreement with Gale Sanders orginal concept idea of the ultimate ML speaker system. But then Gale is no longer there is he, only corporate giant, Shoreview industries...
Maybe, the bottom line is all that counts anymore, but that is very sad news to me. I think Audio R&D should always push for the very best that can be, but apparently not at ML anymore... It's astonishingly very sad news indeed... I am / was hoping to purchase a used Statement E2, someday. I probably still will, but it will just be a Statement from 2005 or older, from the glory days, of Martin Logan, when they really wanted to know what could be possible...

The only realistic statement that can be offered is, "ML has no Statement"...