So I did a thing

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Apr 10, 2024
Reaction score
Allen, TX
I had picked up a pair of Electromotion ESL's awhile back real cheap that had an issue with one of the panels. I attempted to separate the panel to try a repair but that did not go well. I have kept my eye out for a replacement panel and finally one showed up on ebay for a good price. It was all bent up and did not come with the frame but the seller said that it worked. I took a chance and bought it. I connected it up before putting it in the frame to test and it worked. Great joy. I then carefully got all of the bends out the best I could from the edges of the panel and started to put it in the frame. I soon noticed that something did not look right. The new panel was longer than the current panel. I did not know they came in different lengths. The frame worked with a section of panel sticking up higher than the other. I guess I will use it like this and keep a watch out for the correct size panel.
Thanks for the info. I have noticed that the larger panel is considerably louder. I was able to increase the level in the receiver for the smaller panel to get them to match. Not an audiophile fix but for under $300 I have pair of Electromotion ESL speakers. I will continue to keep an eye out for another panel of either one. It sounds like I would prefer the larger for the increased volume unless I am missing something.
You're lucky the bent panel worked, and that you were able to mostly unbend it. The CLS II panel I fell on top of did not work, even after attempting to unbend it. Perhaps because it uses a higher voltage than the EM. It just continually arced no matter what I did. One replacement panel and several months later, I was back in business.

It's interesting the ESL X panel fits (one of the hazards of eBay shopping BTW), works and plays louder. For reference you should get quotes from ML for both the EM and ESL X replacement panels. It might not be as bad as you think. Otherwise, yeah, just continue using them as is and look for another panel of the same type. The CLS II panel is large and, unfortunately, expensive, but worth it to me.

You also may want to talk to ML service about using the X panel with the EM. It's possible you are missing something. Otherwise, you may have discovered an upgrade path for EM owners.
The EM-ESL and the ESL-X both use the same width panel. So, the mounting brackets between the 2 models are most likely the same. As such, I'm not surprised then, that the X panels fit and work. Also, not surprising that the output is different, as the X is designed to work and blend with 2 woofers, instead of one. Now, I'm am surprised that new panel worked. I saw that auction, and that panel looked pretty rough. Congratulations on the operation, and saving the patient. Maybe I should look for X panels for my pair...! ;)