Rolling Window Shade to cover RPTV?

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Well-known member
Jan 11, 2005
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Tampa, FL
For the near term I'm stuck with a 46" rear projection TV and large wall unit between my Summits.


I've minimized some of the bad acoustic reflections by removing the glass doors and masonite backing of the wall unit, and am now focusing on taming the reflections off the TV. It's inconvenient to throw a blanket over the TV, so I've been contemplating buying a black rolling vinyl/fiberglass window shade, such as this...

which could be mounted inconspicuously on the shelf above the TV, and pulled down for serious listening sessions. Ideally, I'd prefer a heavier fabric (maybe velour), but haven't been able to find such a product.

What do y'all think of this idea?

Alternatively, I could have custom "drapes" made out of heavy fabric which would flank the TV until pulled closed, but that would be more obtrusive and expensive, not to mention lower WAF!
mmm - not sure. Those things can be very thin. I get an extremely good result from putting a heavy wool blanket over my 106cm plasma when I'm listening. Not sure if something much thinner would give as good a result.
Don’t think a sunshade will help you much. What about getting some heavy cloth from the fabric store and using Velcro to attach it to the bottom side of the self above your TV? It should be pretty easy to put the fabric up and take down when not in use.
Just a casual observation, but with the TV enclosed that tightly in the cabinetry, I would be concerned about heat buildup due to lack of ventilation. You might see if you can raise the shelf above the TV a bit to increase ventilation. This would also have the side effect of making it easier to drape a blanket over the set when listening to just audio.

Peter Hogan said:
Just a casual observation, but with the TV enclosed that tightly in the cabinetry, I would be concerned about heat buildup due to lack of ventilation. You might see if you can raise the shelf above the TV a bit to increase ventilation. This would also have the side effect of making it easier to drape a blanket over the set when listening to just audio.
Actually, the TV gets plenty of ventilation already as it slopes from front to back. If I always drape a blanket over it, I'll someday forget to remove it and then it becomes a fire hazard.

I surfed the net and found some (? heavier) textured fabric shades. For ~$100 it's worth a trial. Will update y'all when I get them.
Window quilts were developed in the early 1980's due to the high cost of energy. They are still around, may be found in relationship with solar housing.


Window Quilt is the only window treatment that insulates as well as seals against drafts, providing an additive R-value of 4.99. (Detailed chart)

Air and moisture-tight fabric along with the 4- sided seal dramatically increases the insulating value of your windows or doors. (Infrared Photo)

They used to use magnets and you would have to roll them up and down by hand. Looks like you have other options today.

I'm thinking you mount this over your TV, but perhaps you may decide to treat that window to match.
Give Harbor Freight Tools a try. They sell quilted shipping blankets of different sizes, and they're heavy as heck. Not too expensive either.
Well, after draping a wool rug over the TV for a listening session, I agree that's the way to go. I just need to find a nice wool rug or blanket of the proper dimensions with decent WAF! I'll put 3-4 grommets in it, with concealed hooks under the shelf. Those window quilts are quite interesting, but very expensive. Hopefully I'll find something in the audiophile acoustic treatment dept at TJMaxx! :D
Here's my patriotic statement. A army blanket I made to fit over my Sony 42" DLP.

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Heres another person using a heavy blanket over there tv to get that killer center stage... :)

Thanks! Keep those LOW WAF blanket pix coming! I'm emailing them to my wife, so whatever I end up with, she'll know it COULD have been worse!