new model CLX

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Well-known member
Jan 1, 2005
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San Jose, Costa Rica
Hola chicos...I went today with Tim Bingaman (Mitt) to ML booth here at Denver Cedia Show. He took a lot of nice photos of what ML had...he will post them soon. Also we heard the rumour of the new CLX (CLS replacement). The new subwoofer model Depth i has at the crossover knob, the right setting for this new model. The cut will be pasive, not active as I did understand. The CLX will be with all the benefits of the new technology, Xstat panels and clear spars, and I heard the they would be also full range all electrostatic as the CLS. Sorry Tom, but my camera is not working right. The photos that I took are not neat as Tim camera. Wait for them!!!
Happy listening,
Roberto. :D
Wow....if true

I was just talking today with a friend about 'gee, wouldn't it be great if ML did a full-range stat like the old CLS's... strange timing.

Any wild guesses on price?

roberto said:
Hola chicos...I went today with Tim Bingaman (Mitt) to ML booth here at Denver Cedia Show. He took a lot of nice photos of what ML had...he will post them soon. Also we heard the rumour of the new CLX (CLS replacement). The new subwoofer model Depth i has at the crossover knob, the right setting for this new model. The cut will be pasive, not active as I did understand. The CLX will be with all the benefits of the new technology, Xstat panels and clear spars, and I heard the they would be also full range all electrostatic as the CLS. Sorry Tom, but my camera is not working right. The photos that I took are not neat as Tim camera. Wait for them!!!
Happy listening,
Roberto. :D

Alot of audiophiles should be very happy about this little piece of info. :D

Thanks Roberto
This will be interesting news about the new full range panels. Like always, price is going to be an issue.
This is indeed great news that they are coming out with a ‘full-range’ ESL, although based on the Pics of the descent, they are being realistic and recognizing the need to cross-over to a sub at 30hz (which is pretty darn low).

I would love to audition these. I assume X-Stat technology would allow for a lightly narrower speaker than the old CLS., which should help being able to place them in more rooms.

If they are seriously good, and about 26” total width, I’d consider replacing the Monoliths with these as long as they can sustain 105db SPL at 100hz.
Getting vendors to rate the Frequency response vs SPL is something I hope the community can push for, as that’s extremely relevant, maybe even more so than distortion metrics.
Coming Soon from ML The New CLX speaker...


The future CLX speaker is wonderful news indeed. I am now seriously considering changing my future plans for my second 'music' system, from a pair of Summits, to a pair of CLX's with a new Descent i subwoofer... Sure it may be a little more cash to save-up but what the hay. :D
I think, the CLX / Descent i combination could potentially sound even better than the Summits for music listening? The only thing is, I would definiately need to purchase an excellent musical pre-amp as well, in oreder to listen in three channel stereo. :eek: OMG - up graditous has struck me yet again. :p
The cats meowwwwww !!!!

I agree with Robin, this new set-up with the sub maybe M/L best ticket in the house !!!
So far so good. Now lets see what appears and I hope it is sooner rather than later. This is something that has been in the works for sometime and I am glad to see it a reality. If the actual product is what we all believe it will be, I have my checkbook ready. :D
Robin said:

The future CLX speaker is wonderful news indeed. I am now seriously considering changing my future plans for my second 'music' system, from a pair of Summits, to a pair of CLX's with a new Descent i subwoofer... Sure it may be a little more cash to save-up but what the hay. :D
I think, the CLX / Descent i combination could potentially sound even better than the Summits for music listening? The only thing is, I would definiately need to purchase an excellent musical pre-amp as well, in oreder to listen in three channel stereo. :eek: OMG - up graditous has struck me yet again. :p

Of course, it depends on implementation - the CLX could be really good or really bad - but it just may well be the best sound from ML - for music listening OR anything else!
It will be interesting to see what they come up with. Since the new panels are smaller than previous panels, I wonder if the new CLX size will be smaller than the old CLS size?

Sure would be nice to have the same size panel with new electronics for us older CLS users to upgrade too - Yeah wishful thinking!!!
I'm Hoping for the Very Best... My Expectations Are Very High Though...

Dave, robert, amey01 and Dan,

Geez, I'm hoping ML gives the new CLX speakers the very best technology and styling they possibly can. I'm saving-up like no body's business... I can't wait. :)
I wonder if we will get advance photos? or other advanced information as the time gets closer to the release of the CLX from ML? :confused:
Actually just thinking about the proposed CLX... ML obviously needs a major 'top of the range' speaker system. The Summits are fantastic, but I always thought there should be something even Summit owners can aspire to. :)
I´m going to be crucified...

because I´m in love the quality of bass from my CLS IIz than any other product. Yes, they don´t go that deep, but how deep really goes a double bass note?...( or an electric fender bass E note= 41.20 Hz or D note= 36.71 Hz...this is the deepest note and not usually played because not all bass amplifiers can handle it, so the musician does not use it...this is also a never ending history. When you have too much bass energy in your room, the stage is difficult to thing that all of us cls users is the great stage that we get when the sub is not on, or just a little bit, almost imperceptible and my problem with the subs...I start listening the quality, speed. right in size of the bass notes and the player at the stage, and I start to bring down the sub level at a certain point where I said there to myself...right there, look the knob of the volume level and it is in number 1 (7 o´clock position). I played bass some time ago, and that´s another reason why I am so picky, so demanding. I don´t like the resonance of the box, the speed is too slow for my liking, and here is where the CLS IIz and also to my ears and liking, exceed the speaker´s cabinet and cone woofer. Of course that I can hear the power of the bass notes coming from the sub, and all the energy that it produces...but it is too much. I went to the rock concert at the convention center, the husband of Pamela Anderson was performing...great big bass drum notes only...big enery, nothing cymbals from the drumer, no high pitch effects, just big bass heavy notes from the speakers, not from the musical instruments, and you could see the drumer performing with the cymbals...not hi-end sound, and was lived...again I said to myself, my cls are more natural in sound of what I am listening here live, because all the electronics involved, big speakers with big power amplifiers, result: big bass fuzzy and not pleasant sound...just big energy. I walked away after the third song. The acting and the effects was very good, and also the girls at both sides where dancing with the bar very erotic, but that was all...nothing in sound...and I do like Tool, David Gilmore, Joe Satriani, Eric Clapton, just to name a few. I like good drumers like Keny Aronoff performing with John Fogerty live...and the sound through my cls is phenomenal...please excuse my dare with this topic, but I had to take it out and off my system...happy listening,
edwinr said:
Actually just thinking about the proposed CLX... ML obviously needs a major 'top of the range' speaker system. The Summits are fantastic, but I always thought there should be something even Summit owners can aspire to. :)

Looks like Joey's timing might be just right...I bet he'll be the first one here to get the CLX !! :)

Did ML say anything about how big the new CLX will be? MartinLogan has been on a trend lately with their smaller speakers with a bigger sound, I wonder if their new CLX will be as large as the CLSIIz is?
Zip3kx07 said:

Did ML say anything about how big the new CLX will be? MartinLogan has been on a trend lately with their smaller speakers with a bigger sound, I wonder if their new CLX will be as large as the CLSIIz is?
No, they didn´t say anything regarding it...but they said that the prototypes where very good!!!...we need patience, hope they will come out soon...the new stuff is very good, and the team is always testing new ideas and prototypes...also hope the CLS will be in price between Summits and Vantage...just guessing only, and also dreaming! Happy listening,
While we're still in speculation mode, allow me to attempt to peer into the near future...

Size and form factor

Several factors – the higher efficiency of the new panels, the importance of the international market (smaller homes and rooms), the increasing popularity of HT (big speakers are more difficult to integrate) – make it likely that the CLX will be smaller than the CLS. It could likely be lower and slightly narrower, while still surpassing the CLS in total radiating surface. Because it’s lower, the CLX will be angled upward, like the Summits.

Traditionalists will not like the way it looks. Progressive types will immediately embrace the new look. Many in the middle will initially air their disappointment. Initial reports from the field from those who see the CLX will contain the familiar phrase, “it looks better in person.” Over time, the CLX will look more normal to most.


Wood in the CLS served both as frame and trim. With its AirFrame, the CLX will not need as much wood; any wood at all might be used only for cosmetic add-ons. Chrome will be quite popular, and the all-black CLX will find its way into HTs, especially those with front-projection systems, which are happily coming down in price and will surely proliferate.

Will the AirFrame be rigid enough for the CLX not to need a brace, like the new Quads? One would hope so, as the Quad brace is ugly! Will third-party manufacturers design stands for the CLX, like they did for the CLS? Perhaps not as needed, so less likely.

Amplifier matching

Though higher in sensitivity than the CLS, the CLX will be just as picky with amps. Solid state devotees will like how the CLX matches their favorite SS amps. Tube aficionados will proclaim tubes to be the best match. More modern folks will find much to like with digital amp-CLX combinations.

It’s easy to predict that “What’s the best amp to match with the CLX” will be the liveliest topic in the ML Club.


This could prove to be the most provocative aspect of the CLX.

Regarding bass, the CLX seems to be designed with a matching ML sub, so integration would be less of an issue than it was with CLSes, though ML Club members who have successfully mated CLSes with Depths may have provided ML with an idea or two in this aspect.

Regarding tonal quality, traditionalists will initially reject the sound of the CLX, finding it brighter perhaps, or leaner perhaps, or less fuller perhaps, than older MLs. Some will find issue with the midrange of the CLX, like they have with the Summits. The original CLS will then truly achieve cult-vintage status, leaving both camps happy with their choices but wary of each other’s preferences.

About better treble, dynamics, and soundstaging there will be little argument, the CLX clearly showing progress in these aspects.


The CLS IIz was 25% more expensive than the biggest of its contemporary hybrids, the ReQuest. Going by that alone, should we expect the CLX to be at the 12.5k level? However the Summits do come with amps, so the CLX might not be that pricey? Will there be a special package price with the Depth i?

Regardless, there will be much discussion of ramen diets in the ML Club.


Over at other forums, Quad and Maggie lovers will find new fuel for ML bashing. Here, in the spiritual home of ML, members will be most passionate about discussing the CLX – and of course buying and listening to it. Roberto, a long-time CLS advocate, will switch over to the new speaker, proclaiming it to be the best ML yet, while sagely and helpfully reminding us to trust our own ears. Joey’s good karma will visit him in the form of a CLX-Depth i combo, though he will be among the first to upgrade to the CLXi when it inevitably arrives. Robin will be among the first to bring home the CLX, eventually mating it with McIntosh electronics. Trolls will appear/reappear in full force, perhaps as early as this thread, ensuring that TomDac will remain as busy as ever.
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Very good post, I think you mostly nailed it ;)

You did miss the following:

Mods and Integration

Some will not be satisfied with stock and will immediately begin to tweak. First with stands then with full screen / frame integration with front projection systems. With some nut even going so far as to use three across behind a ScreenPix screen.

If I wind up with a pair, I’ll proclaim it lacks mid-bass / bass SPL capabilities and immediately build a matching line array of 8” drivers in their own structure. Then integrate that with a Rotary woofer for the ultimate in sound reproduction.

Much discussion of positioning and mounting will be had, with some entrepreneurial forum member designing some rear wave ab-ffusers just for the CLX that are claimed to deepen soundstage and balance FR.

If the factory doesn’t provide a bypass, someone will go in and bypass the low-frequency protection passive network, as they will perform crossover duties externally with an active unit.

Many discussion threads on the ‘best’ power cables will ensue. Some will join, some will laugh, some will cry :)