Mentorron, Sounds like you are doing OK, ears and everything. I do suffer the Tinnitus thing as well, been working in manufacturing since my late teens. Amazing you can hear up to 10K. I'm only 63 so I am a few years behind you. No pics of my first system. Harmon Kardon 330 receiver with machine speakers purchased from Fedco in Southern California. Your post made me smile... Thanks
My first "system" that I tried to build from kits (after the RCA my dad gifted me didn't live up to my needs), were an Eico preamp and power amp (tube-based) with a Stromberg-Carlson 1/4 wavelength bass reflex speaker, a Garrard turntable/changer and Goldring magnetic cartridge. My soldering skills were non-existant and the preamp leaked power onto the casing somewhere (you got a buzz when touching it).

But it sounded quite good after the small 6" speaker in the RCA. Gave the kits to my girlfriend when we split up. Have been through a few "systems" since then (see photos), trying different brands of equipment, most importantly speakers: Acoustic Research AR2ax, then B&W speakers (forget the model) before I learned about electrostatics from hearing the original Quads at my favourite hi-fi shop (still in monaural days, just entering stereo era). Many decades later I finally had the luck to find my Aerius on sale used for $1549, being run by a small Denon desktop amp/tuner, just lined up against an entry wall in the used equipment row at the store !!! Sounded good even under those unfavourable conditions, so I went to an authorized M-L dealer and heard them set up correctly with high end equipment and went back and bought the used ones. The original owner only sold them because we was downgrading to a small condo and needed to switch to bookshelf speakers.
The Garrard I bought to retrofit into my original tabletop RCA photograph. Mounting holes and size were a perfect match.
Goldring cartridge/Grado tone arm/Thorens TD124 tt/ Dynakit stereo preamp (tube). Note my 1st (cheap, so unused) electrostatic tweeter under the preamp.
Acoustic Research AR-2AX speaker. The 1st highly rated speaker I owned.
My current front end (circa 1980s-90s)

: Sony CDP-950 with TDA1541 DAC/Onkyo T-401 tuner/ Rotel RSP-960AX preamp-processor.
Philips TDA-1541 DAC in the Sony (awesome). Reviews said Sony did a better job of the electronics surrounding this DAC than Philips did in their machines. :
Adcom GFA6000 power amp run in 2 channel mode to get 150Wpc @ 4 ohms for the M-Ls.
One of my M-L "babies" with it's bear audience.