Now I have more problems, one of my panels does not produce any highs and is about 10db lower then the properly working one. What do I do now?
Hola Tiberium. Disconnect again the panel´s cables (blue, black and red) at the connector and re-connect them again, sometimes there is a faulty connection or you could got mixed one color at the connector and that´s the problem. Also check the blue cable at front the panel. Sometimes this cable is loose at the solder joint. You have to re-solder it. You need a heavy duty soldering iron for this part. Re-check everything for good contacts. Hope this can help!...happy listening,Tiberium said:Now I have more problems, one of my panels does not produce any highs and is about 10db lower then the properly working one. What do I do now?
Hola Tiberium. Disconnect again the panel´s cables (blue, black and red) at the connector and re-connect them again, sometimes there is a faulty connection or you could got mixed one color at the connector and that´s the problem. Also check the blue cable at front the panel. Sometimes this cable is loose at the solder joint. You have to re-solder it. You need a heavy duty soldering iron for this part. Re-check everything for good contacts. Hope this can help!...happy listening,
We have to track the problem...swap the panels, and if the bad comes alive, then you have a faulty power supply too. If not, then one new panel is bad. We have to track the problem. Do you have an ohm meter?...to measure up to 30 Mega-ohms?...I had founded some bad resistors, but first you have to change the panels for the right diagnosis...hope this can help.Tiberium said:Looks like the connections for the panel are all good and a quick inspection of everything else once I took the back plate off looked ok. I was surprised to see that ML used solder on most of the connections unlike the theater i where very little solder was used. Was the theater i made in china with the other lower end products from ML? Anyways was else can I check?
If not, then one new panel is bad.
Do you have an ohm meter?
Tiberium said:Why would ML send out a bad panel do they not test them?
We need to track the problem...it is the only way that I know. sorry.
Be careful, because letal voltages are present. When you are going to make any measurement, take off the main A.C. cable from the wall or from the speaker!!!First of all, you have to be sure that the red LED is on when music is present at the pc board. If you have it, them we have to check the high voltage resistors. Here is where you need the 30 Mega-ohms tester. Just follow the red cable from the stat panel to the power supply and at that connector, these resistors are located following the pc foil...normally 5 resisitors of 15 M. Colors brown, green and blue and then the golden ring. (5% tolerance). I did found at some power supplies these resistors to be open...just measure them and change the faulty(s) one (s). To do this, you have to disconnect the A.C. cable, and wait at least three hours for complete discharge of the power supply. Also, you could use a shorting cable to pins red, blue, then red black then black blue cables. (these are the colors of the stat panels cables. If you don't have the red LED on, then first check the fuse (.5A @ 250 V. 3 AG type). I did found faulty contatcts at the fuse holders. Check it for right contact at the metal parts (both sides)...if a faulty contact is found, then solder the fuse to the PC board. If everything seems to be o.k., then you should contact ML. (Jim Power) for a new power supply. Hope this can help!Tiberium said:I swapped panels and it looks like both panels work fine so it must be something else causing the problem. How do I test the power supply?