Aris A
More things to know: You can remotely operate the stand-by mode by applying 12 volts DC to
the single pair of 5 way connectors on the rear of the amplifier. The positive of the 12 volts DC
goes to the red connector. This connection has an actual operating range of about 9 volts to
15 volts. This switching will override the front panel button, so if you want the button to
operate, leave the rear connection open.
I would like to use this feature but I have no idea where to start. My 2 ch system: Tube preamp + Amp + Scenarios
One more question...I'm planning to add a subwoofer along the line. Which connection method would you go: (1) A/V source+tube preamp+amp+sub+speakers or (2) A/V source+preamp(with sub preout)+sub & amp+speakers.
Thanks for any input from you guys!!