As mentioned above, Vantage looks like a very interesting option. I'll tell you my thought process...
I upgraded from crap, to Martin Logans about two years ago. At the time, Clarity was brand new and at the edge of my budget. They were the best thing I heard under $3k, and astheticly looked way too cool. Personnally, I didn't particularly care for the look of the higher end Logans that were available at the time, and they were out of my budget anyway.
After getting them home, I decided I needed a sub (REL...another $1k) due to the lack of bass on the Claritys. This combo was perfect for me. If I were looking today, I would seriously consider Vantage, particularly if they would allow you to go without a sub for a while. Eventually you will probably want to add a sub, particularly if you do much home theater.
I also like the look of the Vantages. I know, it petty to talk about asthetics on an audio site, but these things are in my living room and have to look nice.
I still have not added a center, but with the imaging of the current setup, it hasn't really been an issue. I went cheap on the surround speakers, because I don't do much home theater, and I don't do any 5.1 music.
I was directed to Outlaw for pre/pro and amp, and that has been a great decision as well. Great equipment for the money. For $1500, you can get a great pre/pro, and seperate 7 channel amp with full warantee and money back guarantee.
As far as a source, there are a lot of opinions out there. Personnally, I went with Rotel. Good equipment that can be had for good prices used on audiogon. My next upgrade is going to be ditching the CD's altogether, converting them to FLAC files on a PC, with Squeezebox as the controller.
So budget: Vantages ~ $5k, Outlaw pre/pro + amp ~ $1.5k, DVD ~ $500, surround speakers ~ $500...brings your total to $7500. Down the road, I'd budget for a center (maybe used Cinema i ~ $1k) and sub (ML, REL, or Velodyne).
My $0.02.