Well-known member
Happy Anniversary to the ML Club!
A Big Thank you to Tom D'Acquisto, ML Club webmaster for all of his excellent leadership and guidance in presenting maintaining the ML Club. Your receptiveness to positive changes to the ML Club web-site is very much appreciated. Additionally, Thank you to Jason Liu, ML Club President for presiding over the great and wonderful ML Club.
As anyone who visits the ML Club can tell at a glance our web-site is fantastic and not just for for all things ML but for the extremely stimulating and informative dialog in so many other areas such as; music, science, advanced audio technology, theater sound design and engineering, help / advise on ML / audio technical concerns, problem solving / suggestions, reviews and recommendations as well as social events and so much more...
Always on a shared audio quest for better more improved sound, our membership is constantly involved actively and personally reviewing new audio equipment, testing, evaluating and recommending new audio components or tweaks in every imaginable combinations of gear / cable. IMHO, I think the positive stimulating repartee / communication of simply sharing our common love for beautiful music and sound reproduction are compelling and attractive to audiophiles everywhere. IMHO it is the graciously shared love for audio and ML speakers which draws other audio enthusiasts to our group. The ML Club provides a satisfyingly irrresistable forum to experience, to learn and to contribute towards achieving better audio sound at home. Our site has been and continues to be a valued source of very helpful, kind and interested individuals in the pursuit of breath taking audio sound reproduction.
On this anniversary of the ML Club I must admit, I really wanted an excuse to thank all of the individual members of the ML Club for giving me a greater appreciation for audio in general. Thank you, you are the best...
And thank you for listening to my heart felt rant of how good I think you all are...
Three Cheers for the ML Club!
A Big Thank you to Tom D'Acquisto, ML Club webmaster for all of his excellent leadership and guidance in presenting maintaining the ML Club. Your receptiveness to positive changes to the ML Club web-site is very much appreciated. Additionally, Thank you to Jason Liu, ML Club President for presiding over the great and wonderful ML Club.
As anyone who visits the ML Club can tell at a glance our web-site is fantastic and not just for for all things ML but for the extremely stimulating and informative dialog in so many other areas such as; music, science, advanced audio technology, theater sound design and engineering, help / advise on ML / audio technical concerns, problem solving / suggestions, reviews and recommendations as well as social events and so much more...
Always on a shared audio quest for better more improved sound, our membership is constantly involved actively and personally reviewing new audio equipment, testing, evaluating and recommending new audio components or tweaks in every imaginable combinations of gear / cable. IMHO, I think the positive stimulating repartee / communication of simply sharing our common love for beautiful music and sound reproduction are compelling and attractive to audiophiles everywhere. IMHO it is the graciously shared love for audio and ML speakers which draws other audio enthusiasts to our group. The ML Club provides a satisfyingly irrresistable forum to experience, to learn and to contribute towards achieving better audio sound at home. Our site has been and continues to be a valued source of very helpful, kind and interested individuals in the pursuit of breath taking audio sound reproduction.
On this anniversary of the ML Club I must admit, I really wanted an excuse to thank all of the individual members of the ML Club for giving me a greater appreciation for audio in general. Thank you, you are the best...
And thank you for listening to my heart felt rant of how good I think you all are...
Three Cheers for the ML Club!