Joined here when I bought my Ascent's a long time ago but I've been so happy with them haven't visited ! So much great information on here .
Anyway to cut a long story short they were beginning to sound a little dull despite being in excellent condition for their age (have vacuumed them etc) . New panel cost is here is circa £2000 so i looked at other options as I can't justify several thousands at present. Ended up stumbling across of Electromotion ESL at a very good price as they had a damaged cabinet at the back sp took a punt on them .First things first they sound great - much smaller scale than my ascent but much more open mid and top
I have someone who can refinish the cabinet locally but I need to remove the panel first (and electronics) . Now I am a time served electronics engineer so I am not worried about any of this but can anyone tell me how the panel wiring is connected- I know its fed from the transformer and I can see goes through a hole in the cabinet to the panel. Is it soldered on the other side ? I just want to be sure I don't damage any delicate wiring on the back of the panel when removing it
I also have Rel Brittania B2 to augment the bass - was wondering if anyone has a similar setup and what crossover fq they use ?
One last thing is they have one of the rubber bungs missing from the spikes - I really want a replacement but it seems here in the UK you need to buy a full set of spikes :-( Does anyone know where I can get a replacement.
BTW I am driving them with a Hypex design (NC500) power amp , Anti Node Dual Core DSP, Sources are Michell Gyrodec/SME309/Art-9 /Rondo Bronze & Squeezebox Touch
Thanks all

Joined here when I bought my Ascent's a long time ago but I've been so happy with them haven't visited ! So much great information on here .
Anyway to cut a long story short they were beginning to sound a little dull despite being in excellent condition for their age (have vacuumed them etc) . New panel cost is here is circa £2000 so i looked at other options as I can't justify several thousands at present. Ended up stumbling across of Electromotion ESL at a very good price as they had a damaged cabinet at the back sp took a punt on them .First things first they sound great - much smaller scale than my ascent but much more open mid and top
I have someone who can refinish the cabinet locally but I need to remove the panel first (and electronics) . Now I am a time served electronics engineer so I am not worried about any of this but can anyone tell me how the panel wiring is connected- I know its fed from the transformer and I can see goes through a hole in the cabinet to the panel. Is it soldered on the other side ? I just want to be sure I don't damage any delicate wiring on the back of the panel when removing it
I also have Rel Brittania B2 to augment the bass - was wondering if anyone has a similar setup and what crossover fq they use ?
One last thing is they have one of the rubber bungs missing from the spikes - I really want a replacement but it seems here in the UK you need to buy a full set of spikes :-( Does anyone know where I can get a replacement.
BTW I am driving them with a Hypex design (NC500) power amp , Anti Node Dual Core DSP, Sources are Michell Gyrodec/SME309/Art-9 /Rondo Bronze & Squeezebox Touch
Thanks all