Clearly you must see humor in Hi-Def TV.

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Feb 11, 2005
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Ran across this article in today's Baltimore Sun "online" newspaper. Don't you just hate these guys?

Kevin Cowherd
Originally published Jan 18, 2007

If you're looking for cheap, easy entertainment - and who isn't these days? - here's something that's always a hit.

Get yourself invited to the home of a friend who's just sunk two or three grand into a fancy high-def TV.

Get him to put on a football game or reality show or drama or whatever.

(This won't be hard to do - he just sank all that dough into the TV, and he'll want to show it off.)

Anyway, no matter what he puts on, watch it for a minute or two.

Then shake your head and say: "Maybe it's me. But I just don't see any difference between high-def and regular TV."

Then sit back and watch the fireworks as his head explodes."What?!" he'll scream. "You don't see any difference?"

Shake your head no.

Then shrug your shoulders and add apologetically: "It's probably me."

At this point, your friend will look at you as if you're crazy.

Then he'll bolt out of his chair and grab the remote.

Then he'll start clicking furiously between high-def and regular TV programming.

"OK, here's high-def," he'll say, pointing at the screen. "You see how bright it is?"

Then after a click: "And here's regular TV. It's day and night! You don't see the difference?"

Again, shake your head no.

Offer a sheepish grin that says: I must be a little slow.

Then, as if attempting to change the subject, look around the room and say something like: "Did you guys put in new carpeting?" By now, your friend will be so upset he'll be on the verge of hyper-ventilating.

After all, he just spent all this money on a state-of-the-art high-def TV.

You're supposed to be swooning over the magnificent picture. You're supposed to be oohing and ahhing over the wondrous clarity.

Only ... you're not.

In fact, you don't seem impressed at all!

How the hell can he talk about carpeting at a time like this?! "Look," he'll say, raising his voice as he clicks the remote again. "Here's high-def, OK? Look how clear it is. See that guy there? See how you can see every blemish and wrinkle on his face?

"Now here's regular TV," he'll say, clicking again. "There's the same guy, right? And look at his face! It's not as clear! You don't see any blemishes or wrinkles at all!"

At this point, he will turn to you with a triumphant look, as if his argument has been made so soundly that a reasonable person could no longer dispute it.

OK, here's what you do now.

Continue staring at the screen for a few seconds.

Then say: "Well, to be honest, I'm not sure I want to see every blemish and wrinkle in a person's face. If you could actually see them in high-def, which I can't."

At this, your friend will clench his jaw and grind his teeth together.

The veins in his neck will be ready to burst. He may even have to leave the room to compose himself so that he does not lunge at you and attempt to strangle you.

But even if he does leave the room, he'll be back in a minute or two. Oh, yes, he's not through with you.

He won't drop this subject until he makes you see that high-def is the greatest thing to happen to TV since they added color, and he bought the best damn high-def TV on the market.

OK, so now he returns with a tight smile etched on his face.

Trying to keep his voice nonchalant, he picks up the remote, clicks on a nature show and says: "OK, here's a desert scene in high-def. And here it is in regular TV. Would you at least agree that the picture looks wider in high-def? In other words, you see more of the desert? More cactus, more rocks baking in the hot sun, more slithering reptiles, etc.?"

Study the desert scene thoughtfully for a few seconds.

Then say: "I don't know . . . they both look pretty much the same to me."

At this point, with your friend quivering with rage and about to lose control and start smashing things, you should probably leave.

Besides, that's plenty of entertainment for one day.

And if you find yourself bored a few days later, you can always go back, ask to see his new TV, and mess with his head again.

A good opening line for your return visit might be: "They talk about the great Dolby Digital surround sound you get with these things. But it sounds the same as regular TV to me. I don't hear any difference."

And just like that, it'll be showtime again.

[email protected],0,3263350.column?page=2&coll=bal-pe-today
I'm inclined to doubt that this audience would find too much humor in that article. Maybe people who read The Wall Street Journal, or The New York Times? (both of which have pathetic technology columns)
Kevin Cowherd is an idiot. The Sun is one of those "quasi" newspapers that are below USA Today but above one of those local rags that reprint AP and KnightRidder wire stories.

If all he can come up with is "it looks wider" he doesn't get it :)

I hope he enjoys his 13" B&W in his dungeon of righteous superiority :)
I don't get this persons point.:confused:

He was probably that same guy who would light a bag of dog crap on fire, put it on the neighbors front porch, ring the door bell and runaway.:D
Aww, c'mon you guys! This was hilarious! Probably because I actually did it to a friend of mine! :D Talk about funny... It was just like he said too. He kept trying to show me the difference between the two...

No, I don't read the WSJ, blechh, if I want read something that dry, why not read the dictionary, heck, it may be more interesting...

I am not familiar with this writer, but the tone of the story was very toungue in cheek, and did not come across as very serious to me, at least not like he meant to portray that he really feels this way. Of course if he really does, who knows? Kind of like Dave Barry, though this guy is NO Dave Barry, it is just light hearted joking around. Lighten up... :meditate:

Aww, c'mon you guys! This was hilarious! Probably because I actually did it to a friend of mine! :D Talk about funny... It was just like he said too. He kept trying to show me the difference between the two...

No, I don't read the WSJ, blechh, if I want read something that dry, why not read the dictionary, heck, it may be more interesting...

I am not familiar with this writer, but the tone of the story was very toungue in cheek, and did not come across as very serious to me, at least not like he meant to portray that he really feels this way. Of course if he really does, who knows? Kind of like Dave Barry, though this guy is NO Dave Barry, it is just light hearted joking around. Lighten up... :meditate:


I was cracking up reading it too capT. Maybe we are just the practical joker types. When I was in the seminary (long story), I took a life size staure of the Virgin Mary and tucked it into the Rectors bed. They didn't find it very funny at all, but I chuckle my a$$ off thinking about it to this day.
I took a life size staure of the Virgin Mary and tucked it into the Rectors bed. They didn't find it very funny at all, but I chuckle my a$$ off thinking about it to this day.

ROFLMBO!!!! :haha1: Now, that's great! Oh man, would have loved to have seen his face! Sure, maybe a bit naughty, but oh how funny!
Yes, I guess you could say I'm a practical joker. I get it from my parents. When we were kids, around halloween, my Mom bought this fake arm, the kind you stick on the back of your car, hanging out the trunk, and would hide it around the house, so you would find it in the funniest places. I opened my closet once and it came dropping down on me and scared the heck out of me once! So, I went and hid it in her bed, down near the foot of the bed, and heard a YIPE! when she went to bed. In fact, I bet that it's still hanging around somewhere around the house on Halloween. :D
I find great fun in teasing, though my poor wife doesn't always appreciate my humor, as she is often the recipient of my jokes. Owell, though she can dish it right back out as quickly as I can. It's fun!

..... this has always been the easiest way to wind up someone showing off their system - "nice but isn't there a bit of a midbass hump"

I'm no great sports fan and the crap that is served up in this country (Australia) as commercial television is not worth watching at any definition.

Mind you the recent David Attenborough series was absolutely gobsmacking. Great photography, subject matter, themes and all in high def.

When I was in the seminary (long story), I took a life size staure of the Virgin Mary and tucked it into the Rectors bed. They didn't find it very funny at all, but I chuckle my a$$ off thinking about it to this day.


How many Hail Marys did you have to say after that stunt??:rolleyes:
I'm inclined to doubt that this audience would find too much humor in that article. Maybe people who read The Wall Street Journal, or The New York Times? (both of which have pathetic technology columns)

At least NOW I will know what they are I will say, "yea, I didn't either but the sales guy was so nice and all and he REALLY seemed to like this TV, you should have seen how he beamed after he sold this to me. I TOTALLY made his day...not every day you can do that... Plus it hangs on the WALL! HOW COOL IS THAT?!"

I'd find it a little hard to deny that HD is not any better when your jaw is on the floor. Seriously, that Kevin dude has WAY too much time on his hands..

Maybe this says it better:

Dear Kevin,

I tried that practical joke on my buddy who just bought a 3,000 dollar HDTV.. He didn't buy it for a second because my jaw hit the floor when I saw the picture quality and he had to mop up the drool that spilled out of my gaping pie-hole.

Your Pal,

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I'd find it a little hard to deny that HD is not any better when your jaw is on the floor. Seriously, that Kevin dude has WAY too much time on his hands..

Ya know this sounds similar to a very spooky conversation I had with my wife when they delivered my 1st HDTV and DISH 6000 receiver! She really doesn't care. Luckily she does appreciate good sound.
I'm not one to be a show-off. So I wouldn't care if a friend could not see a difference, it only matters if I see a differnce. I'm not much of a practical joker either :)
I think a simple reply like "Dude, make an appointment with an ophthalmologist", would be my reply.

How many Hail Marys did you have to say after that stunt??:rolleyes:

My pennence is ongoing. I'll probably be smoking a t^*d in purgatory for a century or so after I've shaken off this mortal coil.

I still think it's funny though.
I still think it's funny though.

Yes, it is very funny. Reminds of me of my friends mother. She told me a story that when she was young, she and her friends dressed up as a nun only to secure cheaper airfare to Florida over spring break.
Unfortunately this is a semi-regular occurance in my house when I show off new stuff to the wife and the sister-in-law. Unfortunately they aren't joking. And if there is a difference to them it isn't worth the price. They went berserk over my Denon DVD player because it costs over a hundred dollars. Women. What can you do?
Unfortunately this is a semi-regular occurance in my house when I show off new stuff to the wife and the sister-in-law. Unfortunately they aren't joking. And if there is a difference to them it isn't worth the price. They went berserk over my Denon DVD player because it costs over a hundred dollars. Women. What can you do?

But I'd bet you that they notice a difference on more expensive hair-coloring, make-up, etc.
But I'd bet you that they notice a difference on more expensive hair-coloring, make-up, etc.

Oh Yeah they do, My wife has a Handbag fetish. Whenever I get the too eager approval for a new piece of audio equipment or new motorcycle part, I know the following week they'll be a request for a new handbag.:rolleyes:
And Damn some of them suckers are expensive!:eek:
Oh Yeah they do, My wife has a Handbag fetish. Whenever I get the too eager approval for a new piece of audio equipment or new motorcycle part, I know the following week they'll be a request for a new handbag.:rolleyes:
And Damn some of them suckers are expensive!:eek:

Oh yeah, forgot the handbags... my wife has a Prada fetish.