Just wanted to share my experience with ESL 15s running from Shunyata - Hydra Denali D2000 , Speaker Built-in amps had huge benefits when feeding power from a cleaner source. This specific power conditioner is specifically designed for power amps. i would still not connect my Passlabs XA 160.8 monoblocks but for ML'sDigital Amps it worked wonders. Probably the biggest improvement compared to ( speaker cables, interconnects, and even the Isoacustic Giga1 footers) , btw they all had improvement when upgraded)
Non-limiting clean power that's what you need for your powered speakers. I have one extra if anyone is interested bout 2 during the clearance sale ... but get whatever you prefer but good clean power will transform your speakers. I have ESL15s and probably same would be for 13 and 11 powered speakers.
Non-limiting clean power that's what you need for your powered speakers. I have one extra if anyone is interested bout 2 during the clearance sale ... but get whatever you prefer but good clean power will transform your speakers. I have ESL15s and probably same would be for 13 and 11 powered speakers.