You bet I do
I have Summits, CJ Premier LS 18 preamp, Classe Audio CA 150 amp, and Theta Miles CD player. I have completely rewired my entire system with Mapleshade products including interconnects, speaker wire, AC cable, and power strip. I also have every component isolated with Pierre's brass cones. In one word, they are phenomenal. From a price point standpoint, it is a total no brainer. If you have the Cliff Jordan "Live at Ethels" CD, you will know what I'm talking about. I installed one "piece" at a time over a period of 8 months. Each was totally audible, even to non crititcal listeners. Incredible transparency, speed, dimensionality, punch, and everything else we all want out of cabling.
I suggest you start with a set of brass cones and one pair of interconnects and go from there. I always got the "plus" version for the wires. I don't know about the "lower" line but I assume it's quite good also.
You should also try their CD treatments. Go for all three. Again, totally audible and worthwile. I have treated over 300 CD's and all of my DVD's. Won't listen to any new disc until I've treated them with the Mapleshade products.
You have nothing to loose (and everthing to gain) with their 30 day money back guarantee and Sue is great. Send her my regards and mention my name if you call her.
Gordon Gray
PS: Pierre's philosophy is "less is more". If you want to discuss further, please feel free to call me after 5PM MDT at 307.733.5885.