A Visit With Gordon Gray

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Jul 8, 2006
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Huntsville, Alabama
I just returned from a two-week trip out west to Montana and Wyoming, the culmination of which was a very enjoyable visit with our own Gordon Gray. I was flying out of Jackson, WY where Gordon resides and he was kind enough to invite me over for an evening of enlightened conversation, music appreciation, and fine dining. We spent the first hour just sitting on the back porch of Gordon's ranch house, which has a beautiful view of the surrounding countryside, discussing all things audio and getting to know each other. As we both suspected, we had more in common than not.

Then we spent an hour or so listening to music on Gordon's system, which is very similar to my own (Pass Labs amp, CJ preamp, Summits). The first thing I noticed even before the music was the incredible view from Gordon's listening chair. His whole front wall is pretty much solid glass two stories high with a view of the mountains in the distance and that vast Wyoming sky. Just sitting there listening to music and watching the clouds go by is an incredible experience. Gordon, I am so envious of the view from your listening chair.

Gordon's system sounded more like mine than not. The differences were subtle. One of the differences I noticed was the size of the room. That large two story front room and the Summits being five feet from the front wall really makes a difference in the sound. There was a lack of smearing by early reflections that really brought out the clarity and definition of the music. There was also a silence in the background that was very noticeable. The notes just jumped out at you off of a black background.

The next thing I noticed was that the midrange and highs were more forward than my system and the center of the vocals was at head height, as it should be, not waist high like I seem to get in my system. I attribute this directly to Gordon's use of Jason's spikes to elevate the rear of the Summit and bring the panel to a more vertical presentation. Again, the difference this made was not subtle and I have promptly ordered some spikes from Jason to use in my own system.

Now Gordon is a fan of clarity and definition in a sound system, and I think he was worried that I might find his system too detailed and bright. This was not the case. The midrange and highs rang through clearly, but there was no sibilance, no etching. Just clean clear neutral sound. Gordon introduced me to a few female artists I had not heard before, and to some songs I had not heard by an artist that I was familiar with. Everything sounded great through his system. The vocals were there just as if the performer were right in front of you, the soundstage was deep and wide, and musical instruments sounded just as they should. Some jazz that he played for me really showed of the dynamics and soundstaging his system is capable of.

The only drawback I could find was that the bass in Gordon's room was not as quick and tight and well-defined as I get in my room. This is partly because Gordon's listening room is a living room and it would be esthetically difficult to incorporate bass traps in there, whereas my dedicated room is now covered in bass traps. Also, Gordon's Summits are spiked to his wood floor, which seems to put out some reverberations of its own to muddy up the bass just a bit. But this is a minor drawback really. Overall, the system is absolutely top notch and I really enjoyed the auditioning experience.

After the music, we headed to a local restaurant and had a wonderful meal and more quality conversation. I must say that Gordon is an interesting, intelligent, and compassionate individual and I really enjoyed getting to know him. I left that evening happy in the knowledge that I had made a new friend. I think all the folks that attended the National Get-Together in Lawrence can attest to the fact that it is a really cool experience to meet someone you have been chatting with on this forum and find out that they really are as nice and interesting in person as you find them to be on the forum. In that vein, I highly recommend you all try to attend regional get-togethers as the opportunity arises.

Thanks, Gordon, for your hospitality and geniality. I hope I can return the favor some time if you ever come down to the deep south.
Thank you Rich!!

Dear Rich,

I am humbled by your kind words. Suffice to say that I enjoyed your company equally as much. Too bad I couldn't meet your wife but I understand the lure of shopping in this crazy town. It can be entertaining albiet expensive.

I really appreciate your observations on my system since I don't have many opportunities to listen to other systems and I have to trust those silly things on the side of my head to reach the proper tonal balance, imaging, etc. I will look into the bass issue your raised since I have a great respect for your observations. I'm not sure if it's the room or the fact that I have the Summits spiked directly to the floor or a combination of both. I've never used room treatments to control bass / room interface issues, but I'm confident you are correct.

Regarding your observations of soundstage height, I totally concur. Installing Jason's spikes, which allows you to bring the panel much closer to perpendicular, really brings significant benefits to soundstage dimensionality and, for the price, is silly stupid. This, IMHO, applies to all ML speakers and I encourage everyone to experiment with the panel angle. Your efforts will be well rewarded.

I'm looking forward to seeing pictures of your new place and the systems you have.

In closing, thank you again my new friend and I encourage all members to share their systems with other members, not only as a "sound check" but, more importantly, to have the opportunity to meet some wonderful new people.

Best regards,

Gordon ;)

PS: Once you've had the chance to try the Mapleshade CD treatment and some brass cones, I'd love to hear your observations.
Gordon, I have ordered some inexpensive isolation disks to place under the spikes of my Summits to isolate them from the floor. I will let you know what, if any, improvement they make in my situation. If they make a positive improvement in my system, they may help you out as well. I think part of your bass issue is the reverberation coming from the wood floor, so this solution could help.

I haven't had a chance to order the Mapleshade products yet, but that is coming. I really have to get off my butt and get my system posted on this forum. I am going to work on that this weekend.