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  1. R

    Long-Time ML Montis User - Experience and Impressions

    Thanks for sharing. I'm not familiar with that Bryston, but I own and use the AHB2 and it's the best amplifier pairing with the Montis I've achieved so far. I also use a Benchmark DAC. By best I mean best high frequency output and clarity relative to the rest. It's been the cleanest sounding...
  2. R

    Long-Time ML Montis User - Experience and Impressions

    I can understand that. I’m glad you had success.
  3. R

    Long-Time ML Montis User - Experience and Impressions

    For those curious about what a Montis is, it’s an earlier model which was, ultimately, replaced in the line-up with the Impression, the ESL 11A. There are of course similarities and differences, but I believe much of what I’ve described applies to the later model as well. My objective in...
  4. R

    Long-Time ML Montis User - Experience and Impressions

    Yep — Piano reproduction is tough. The system I own for best handling piano is a pair of KEF 105.1 driven by a custom refurbished Adcom GFA555 and a Benchmark DAC2. Of course, the 105s aren’t made anymore. The high end B&W 800 series are similar in sound but terribly expensive. A really good...
  5. R

    Long-Time ML Montis User - Experience and Impressions

    Hello Fellow Marin Logan enthusiasts. It’s been a while since I last contributed, so I’ll keep this short and rely on questions from others to steer the discussion. I’m a retired research EE with considerable circuit and system design and analysis experience. I’ve also been involved in audio...
  6. R

    ML panel obscene pricing

    I feel your pain (regarding replacement panel prices). Not long ago, one of my two Montis ESLs had weak output and loss of high end. After a helpful exchange with Martin Logan factory service, I was advised to first attempt a thorough vacuuming. I did this (according to ML's instruction) and...
  7. R

    Need answer to simple question.

    Glad you agree. ;)
  8. R

    Need answer to simple question.

    FWIW, I was using Monoprice speaker cable (from a roll) along with rotationally tightened but otherwise conventional Monoprice Banana connectors between my Montis ESLs and the power amp. When I upgraded the power amp to the Benchmark AHB2, I found I heard a significant improvement in clarity...
  9. R

    I’m back!

    From PS Audio website: "M1200 Amplifier The Stellar M1200 mono amplifiers are a high power super...
  10. R

    Need answer to simple question.

    More on Wireworld (including claims of directionality). Here's a web posting: It's plain Wireworld realizes there is a burden of responsibility to prove claims, but is this write-up alone an...
  11. R

    Need answer to simple question.

    Right. So the question remains, who's "at fault"? The vendor or the customer? Examples of this sort of thing abound in hi-fi. It's nothing new. The good news is that there really are more than a few good fellows that make it their business to weed out the nonsense. And I certainly...
  12. R

    Need answer to simple question.

    Thoughtful comments. Why do you think the Wireworld wires are directional? WIreworld offers the following: But is this proof? In light of what I've already written, you should know my answer.
  13. R

    Need answer to simple question.

    I don't agree. What I hear isn't all that simple. First, I don't listen to pure tones. In reality, there are no pure sine waveforms, no pure monotonic sine waves with spectra made up of a singular line. No waveform that started in the infinite past and continues into the infinite future...
  14. R

    Need answer to simple question.

    I don't know what is meant by "something sounds better," but you knew I'd say that, right? ;) For me, a cogent reason would be one summarizing a scientific method or process, but you knew I'd say that as well. It's not the "quantum" parlance that bothers me. What bothers me is that the claim...
  15. R

    Need answer to simple question.

    Here's a link to a physics forum discussing the claim that copper wires may be directional:
  16. R

    Need answer to simple question.

    I offer the following clarification of what I said: BS / snake oil / nonsense, though true, isn't really an adequate response. Even from me. ;) Scientific evidence is needed to defend any claim about any gear, including cables. I realize not everyone is well grounded in scientific method...
  17. R

    ML offering 10% off the 11,13,and 15 masterpiece speakers

    So, what do you think? ML about to announce a new line-up?
  18. R

    I’m back!

    Hi. I own a pair of Montis ESLs. Many years ago I auditioned a PS Audio Stellar M300 for several days in my home. I returned it. What is it about the M1200s ($14K/pair) that especially appeals to you?
  19. R

    Need answer to simple question.

    Natural-born tweeters guaranteed to put a smile on. ;)
  20. R

    Need answer to simple question.

    As many of you already know, I'm a retired research engineer with leadership experience in electronic design from DC to light and university experience teaching the next generation how electronics works. Not bragging --Just fortifying what follows. The only (A/V) cables I know of that are...