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    Random thoughts 3 months in on a new Sanders MAGTECH amp

    Just to recap for those who haven't read my earlier threads regarding my purchase of a new Magtech amp; The only change to the system was the Magtech (upgrade from a 5-year-old Rotel RB-1582MKII), same balanced interconnects to the preamp and same bi-wire speaker cables, stock Sanders power...
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    Subwoofer recommendation

    I have not had any experience with those subwoofers, other than reading reviews about them. I can only say the SVS offer a great value for their cost. SVS operates on very thin profit margins, so you get a lot for the money. With the 3000 series you get an 800 watt amp and a 13" driver that...
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    Subwoofer recommendation

    Hello Roy. You didn't mention what your budget is for a sub, so I'll offer a couple of suggestions: I've had an SVS SB-3000 (13" woofer in a sealed cabinet) and it works well with my ESL-X speakers in a similar sized room. The SVS app is a joy to use for controlling sub volume, crossover...
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    New member - ESL Electromotion's (currently)

    Welcome MRjames to the site. I own pair of ESL-X's and have recently upgraded my amp from a Rotel RB-1582MK to a Sanders Magtech. I am also in "research" mode to upgrade my Rotel RC-1590 preamp.
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    Former Aerius i owner from the 90's wants to dabble again

    One more thing, just an observation after reading your posts again. I believe some of the harshness you experienced in the vocals may be from your CD Player. No disrespect intended, and not to diss your equipment choices, but I've owned Sony ES players in the past and there are better choices...
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    Former Aerius i owner from the 90's wants to dabble again

    HELLO ! I owned a pair of Aerius i bought new back in 1998 that I enjoyed for 20 years before selling them and purchasing the ESL-X, so I guess I can speak a bit about your inquiry. I listen to the same genre of music as you and I always thought the Areius I had a wondrous midrange, but always...
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    New Sanders MAGTECH amp - Pt. 2 resolving issues

    One more thing to make this more interesting; I've sold these cables to a fellow MLO member. He will be using them in a biamp configuration, so it will not be the same scenario as mine but It will be interesting to hear his report about what, if any changes he perceives.
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    New Sanders MAGTECH amp - Pt. 2 resolving issues

    Absolutely man. But I know what both my wife (who always listens with me) and I heard and just cha I hear you. I couldn't believe my ears hearing what a simple cable change made in this instance. Well, a cable change and changing from full-range to bi-wire.
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    New Sanders MAGTECH amp - Pt. 2 resolving issues

    I understand John. It does state in the ESL-X manual that the amp can be of different makes but the gains should be identical for horizontal bi-amping. 3 dB might be an audible disparity. You wouldn't want the woofers to be louder than the panels. I am running the Magtech bi-wired to my ESL-X...
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    New Sanders MAGTECH amp - Pt. 2 resolving issues

    Hello John. If you have the room for the 13a's, I think you will really hear much more of a benefit than sticking with the ESL-X. I suggest you reach out to Frank at Sanders and discuss if his speaker cable would be appropriate, as I think the 13's have a powered sub, right? He is very...
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    New Sanders MAGTECH amp - Pt. 2 resolving issues

    I'm not sure I can explain it, except to say what Frank at Sanders sound told me; it is a specific type of Mogami cable he has selected that has specific capacitance, inductance and very low resistance numbers that optimizes audio coming out of the panel section of the electrostatic speaker. And...
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    New Member

    Welcome to MLO Robert. I had a pair of Aerius i too. Sold them to a friend to start him down the M-L path and bought a pair of ESL-X about 5 years ago. Hope you'll share more info about yourself and your system when you get a chance. This is a great site.
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    New Sanders MAGTECH amp - Pt. 2 resolving issues

    I am back to complete part 2 of my post sooner than I expected due to a clarification I received from Frank at Sanders Sound yesterday regarding the loss of bass I perceived and the cables he fabricated for me. It seems that when I was corresponding abut my system and my upgrade plans with...
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    New Sanders MAGTECH amp - Pt. 1 unboxing, installation & connection

    Hello Robert. No, I have no DSP capability in my system
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    New Sanders MAGTECH amp - Pt. 1 unboxing, installation & connection

    Thank you TTOCS ! Good suggestions. At the point of the story I've written so far, I had removed the jumpers to use the single speaker pair cable that Robert at Sanders had made for me, so it is possible the jumpers were incorrectly installed. More importantly you've given me an idea ! I've...
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    New Sanders MAGTECH amp - Pt. 1 unboxing, installation & connection

    Looking back on past posts I have not seen anyone review a SANDERS MAGTECH amp on this forum, so I will be going into a bit of detail about what I went through to get my Magtech connected properly so that I could listen to it without any issues. You wouldn't think that would be a huge problem...
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    New here

    Twitch54 is correct. One other way of determining how well (not "if") your amp will perform with the ESL speakers is to look at the specs again to see if the amp's rated output doubles each time the resistance is halved; i.e; if the amp is rated at 100 watts into 8 ohms, does it "double" to 200...
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    New here

    Hello Jeroen and welcome to the world of Martin Logan Owners. I have owned Martin Logan Electrostatic speakers for 25+ years; first a pair of Aerius i and, since 2019 a pair of ESL-X. I love them and I hope you will like yours when you finally own a pair. There is much to learn about owning...
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    Covers: Do you use them, does anyone make them, etc....

    Hello PJR. if you bought your ESL new, there probably were black cloth covers in the box they were shipped with and you should use those. I use the ones that came with my ESL - X and since I use my speakers every night for watching TV I put them on before I go to bed. If you did not buy the...
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    All of the email correspondences I had were with a gentleman who signed his name just 'Frank". If I assumed incorrectly and mistakenly identified him I do humbly apologize.