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MartinLogan Audio Owners Forum

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  1. Brandon Hartwick

    Masterpiece positioning

    I'd go with the 11s over the 13s, I've never been a fan of giant speakers shoehorned into a room.
  2. Brandon Hartwick

    New Member - long time ML owner

    Yeah so I actually had to look this up on Martin Logan's website, but apparently they don't give you the fancy DSP enabled class D amps with electronic Xover on the woofers until you move up to the ESL 11 or larger. So the ESL 9 still uses a passive crossover network on the bass, what exactly...
  3. Brandon Hartwick

    New Member - long time ML owner

    This was the technology available at the time, high end active crossover networks weren't really a thing when this era of ML speakers were made. If you go look at any new ML speaker they're doing exactly what @Jazzman53 is talking about, because that's the technology we have today. Nobody...
  4. Brandon Hartwick

    New Member - long time ML owner

    I'm not saying you're wrong, I'm saying there's room for improvement yet. All the cool kids are doing it 😜
  5. Brandon Hartwick

    New Member - long time ML owner

    You can do an electronic Xover on just the woofers, there's a lot of information on the forum about doing this and the dramatic improvement it makes. It might seem counterintuitive at first, but the results speak for themselves. Any newer Martin Logan speaker uses an active crossover on the...
  6. Brandon Hartwick

    What Martin Logan speakers are produced in Canada?

    Yes but you don't just flip a switch on the grid and suddenly all your energy can come from somewhere else. Infrastructure doesn't work that way.
  7. Brandon Hartwick

    New house, new adventures, new problems

    That's a nice little chassis, unfortunately mine won't fit into a package that small. The heat sinks i went with are 6" wide 3" deep and 10" tall, I will use 4 of them. They're actually a copy of what used used on the Musical Fidelity F15-F22 and I got them from eBay...
  8. Brandon Hartwick

    What Martin Logan speakers are produced in Canada?

    A few years ago Martin Logan told me that all the masterpiece series stuff was made here in Canada but that was a few years ago now. Canada supplies a ton of energy to certain parts of the US, if we start putting tariffs on that the US might be in for a rough go. This is all completely...
  9. Brandon Hartwick

    Sold Prodigy speakers with new panels 10/23

    List them on USA audio mart if you haven't already, this forum is limited in activity.
  10. Brandon Hartwick

    Obsessive hobbies....

    My major hobby has always been cars, a while back I bought a dirt cheap 2004 Toyota 4runner V8 to drive until I decided what I wanted for a new daily. It turns out I liked the 4Runner platform so much last night I went out and bought myself a 2018 4Runner SR5 V6. I will hopefully be taking...
  11. Brandon Hartwick

    Obsessive hobbies....

    @RCHeliGuy that setup you have looks fantastic! What's your YouTube channel name? I'll have to check it out when I'm home
  12. Brandon Hartwick

    New house, new adventures, new problems

    Through the magic of 3D software, I have turned the 2D drawing of my First Watt amplifier into reality. I'm working on this while I wait for tube amp parts to arrive.
  13. Brandon Hartwick

    New house, new adventures, new problems

    @JonFo I'm just putting everything back to the way it was before, it sounded great and the single 21" subwoofer provides more then enough nuanced bass. 4 more subwoofers just add more complexity and more crossover points I don't really need, they also block my upstairs entrance in the living room.
  14. Brandon Hartwick

    New house, new adventures, new problems

    Another thing I've been working on is a Pass Labs First Watt F6 DIY kit, this will make 25W @ 8 ohms in pure class A. I'm not doing any work on this until my other amplifiers are finished but I've been getting parts together slowly. Currently I'm searching for supplier for large aluminum heat...
  15. Brandon Hartwick

    New house, new adventures, new problems

    For some reason I thought I'd heard they were, I had to go look it up and you're definitely correct. Crown got back to me very quickly and gave me a few different options to send it in for repairs. They were quite helpful considering I didn't really expect to get a response.
  16. Brandon Hartwick

    Martin Logan Shower Cleaning PDF

    I sprayed it on and let it sit for a minute to loosen some of the junk, my panels were visibly dirty to the naked eye. I used regular warm water out of the shower head to wash them and then thoroughly sprayed them down with distilled water to avoid mineral deposits and water spots. The...
  17. Brandon Hartwick

    New house, new adventures, new problems

    Crown XLS amplifiers use ICEPower modules already if I'm not mistaken.
  18. Brandon Hartwick

    New house, new adventures, new problems

    I just used an SAE A201 that I had sitting around, they're not my favorite for full range speakers but work fine for something like this. These make 100W per channel, I'd likely be fine with anything around 50W PC.
  19. Brandon Hartwick

    New house, new adventures, new problems

    2016, it's in brand new condition
  20. Brandon Hartwick

    Martin Logan Shower Cleaning PDF

    Panels should only really be washed as a last resort, mine were filthy when I bought them and started making weird popping noises. They were so dirty the stators were arcing and no matter how much I vacuumed them the issue wouldn't go away. I used clamps to make sure the stators couldn't...