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MartinLogan Audio Owners Forum

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  1. DanR

    What Martin Logan speakers are produced in Canada?

    And that is exactly how I took it when you posted it, I’m sure most of us did.
  2. DanR

    What Martin Logan speakers are produced in Canada?

    Yep about as fast as I figured it would. I don’t think anybody questions your good intentions Robert. It’s too bad things are where they are right now.
  3. DanR

    For Sale Prodigy speakers with new panels 10/23

    Hi Brandon I had them listed there twice already both times with local pick up preferred or buyer pays for shipping. First listing I had 2 guys from Washington state inquire and once they figured out the shipping cost never heard from them again. Second listing not one inquiry and I had them...
  4. DanR

    For Sale Prodigy speakers with new panels 10/23

    Yep I totally agree with this, I’ve had a pair of 9A Logans that I’ve had for sale for two years now at a very reasonable price and zero interest. I have also had an Allnic phono preamp that I listed on US Audiomart with two ridiculous low ball offers. I ended up trading that unit for a linear...
  5. DanR

    Panel life?

    All of this equipment we use is machinery and it wears out with use there is no disputing that fact no matter how you slice it and as it wears out the performance degrades that’s all I’m saying. Enjoy your equipment.
  6. DanR

    Panel life?

    Spot on Robert!!!
  7. DanR

    Panel life?

    Hi You can see the cost of having my Krell brought up to spec in the one pic, and this was about 3 years ago, George Meyer is well known on the west coast for his work with Krell and Mark Levinson amps and equipment. As far as your equipment sounding good to you, yes I’m sure it does because as...
  8. DanR

    Panel life?

    Hi Fabio I bought a pair of Ascent i speakers in the early 2000s and I loved those speakers. They are one of the very few pieces of audio equipment I have sold and regret selling. The reason I sold them was because I just couldn’t get the bass to blend with the panel to my liking. That was...
  9. DanR

    Panel life?

    Dave at todays pricing for new equipment it’s just silly not to consider going this way. It’s awesome that you have this place so close to you. Enjoy your system! Dan
  10. DanR

    Panel life?

    Hi Dave I for one am a firm believer in having older amps (20 years and up) at least completely gone over by a COMPETENT tech and checked for functionality to factory new specs. At todays prices it just makes total sense. I bought my Krell KSA 100 MK II on the used market and it had been...
  11. DanR

    New house, new adventures, new problems

    How much power are you looking at to get out of a new amp if you go that route? I use a Crown xLi 800 to power the 10” woofers on my Odysseys, it’s an AB amp that gives you 200 watts into 8 ohms and 300 watts int 4 ohms. Runs cool as a cucumber all day, yep It has a fan for cooling and it’s...
  12. DanR

    Clarity Panel AHA! moment

    Sorry not a techie here I can change the panels and set up the active crossover and wire it but that’s the extent of my tech wizardry on the Logans. Jazzman will probably have that info though.👍
  13. DanR

    Clarity Panel AHA! moment

    Absolutely, and they really hacked that connection up. You obviously bought these on the used market. Hopefully you didn’t pay a bunch for the speakers. It’s a shame how the used market has gotten over the last 5 years or so you really have to be careful about who you buy from. Now that being...
  14. DanR

    What Are You Listening To Right Now?

    Just got this one yesterday, sounds great
  15. DanR

    Panel life?

    The big factor I have not seen one person mention here is this. If you find a pair of lets say Ascent-i speakers that are 20 years old and you’re thinking of buying them so you go listen to them and you say wow those sound great why would the panels need to be replaced? Well here is my point...
  16. DanR

    CLX, still incredible.

    Robert this is EXACTLY my reasoning for re paneling my Odysseys, they are about the same age as your Prodigy speakers. I re paneled and converted to active crossover on the woofers which I also replaced and spent many times over less than what it would have cost to get new speakers that would...
  17. DanR

    What causes panels to wear out?

    Couldn’t agree with you more Dave, for what the panels cost you wouldn’t come close to finding speakers that even come close to what the repaneled Logans would sound. I did the same as you did with my Odysseys and couldn’t be happier. And I’m set for 20-25 years. Dan
  18. DanR

    Preamp recommendations

    After reading your response I went and read the Absolute Sound review of the hi-fi rose unit, and I think you hit the nail on the head. The hi-fi rose should work very well as a preamp, now you said in the response he has a preamp he likes already in the black ice unit but that unit is a phono...
  19. DanR

    Preamp recommendations

    I’ve been a customer of Bob’s for years now check his company out. His units are hand built by him and his son. They both do high quality work and have for years. Their partner Andy is a musician and he is great to talk with as far as what tubes he likes and has great suggestions for tubes...
  20. DanR

    Preamp recommendations

    Well Tmort there is a unit on Audiogon right now it might even be in your budget. Buying used you could get it if you didn’t like it re sell it I would think for very little loss. Here’s the...