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      Trn335 reacted to audioxcel's post in the thread Tubes or Solid State with Like Like.
      I think that at the end of the day, it comes down to using whatever amp sounds best to you. I have had the same pair of Sequels that I...
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      Trn335 reacted to StimpyWan's post in the thread Tubes or Solid State with Like Like.
      I use a Schiit Saga tube preamp, into an Aragon 2004 MKii power amp, which drives my ML EM-ESL speakers. While I like my Saga pre, I...
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      Trn335 replied to the thread Tubes or Solid State.
      Absolutely, what best suits your your room. In all fairness, this system is now in a large space (17x38x10) so there's a...
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      Trn335 reacted to amey01's post in the thread Tubes or Solid State with Like Like.
      Definitely you are. But also in reverse, you'll be losing something too by using SS too. Something different no doubt. A gain in one...
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      Trn335 reacted to Jeff Zaret's post in the thread Tubes or Solid State with Like Like.
      As a FYI and $.02 more, I have been using a Pass Labs 150.8 on my CLSiiZ with great success for many years. I think it is the best I...
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      Trn335 replied to the thread Tubes or Solid State.
      My $.02. I've been using a Primaluna Dialogue Premium for two years to drive SL3's. I've tried to get this to work. I rebuilt the SL3s...
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