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      MickyP reacted to Mirolab's post in the thread SL3 crossover with Like Like.
      It's important to know if the panel is 100% quiet, or just rolled off or very low in level. Connect just the panel without the woofer...
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      MickyP reacted to JonFo's post in the thread SL3 crossover with Like Like.
      At the component level, plenty of replacements. But a good technician is required. It could well be the HV supply that powers the...
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      MickyP replied to the thread SL3 crossover.
      Panels swapped and def a crossover issue. :( Currently trying to find a UK specialist who can help. Are power supply parts still...
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      MickyP reacted to Tosh's post in the thread SL3 crossover with Like Like.
      No, the panel fades out unless the wires pull loose. I had transformer T1 go bad once on my SL3, but other things which fail are the...
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      MickyP replied to the thread SL3 crossover.
      Entire thing. Since then ML has advised swapping panels, which is what I'll be doing tomorrow. Can a panel just give up?
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      MickyP replied to the thread ML Prodigy stopped working.
      What was changed?
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      I 'lost' the treble on one speaker (bass is fine); swapped the speakers and the problem followed, so I figure the amp and cables are...
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