Low inductance/capacitance speaker cables for ESL panels

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In general there is no such thing as low inductance/low capacitance speaker cable. They are opposite sides of a coin. If one gets smaller the other gets bigger. The only small modifiers are the size/shape of the wire conductors and the choice of dielectric insulating material.
Since the impedance drops so low in the treble, I would assume low resistance would be most important.
I'm no expert, but it's best if folks actually read Roger's discussion of his ESL cables, linked by Luca58. He explains the whys and wherefores of desired properties and how his construction controls inductance, capacitance and resistance. My sense, based upon his many posts, is that Roger isn't prone to BS e.g. his discussion of interconnects @ the same link.
Since the impedance drops so low in the treble, I would assume low resistance would be most important.
In this case, both low resistance and low self-inductance are important.

Most other speakers have rising treble impedance which place less demands on the speaker cable at very high frequencies.
For the last 2 to 3 years I've been using GOERTZ MI2 ribbon speaker cable. Capacitance is very high with very low Inductance on them, however the sound is effortless through the high treble to the low bass. Absolutely no loss of treble is detected even though in theory the High Capacitance should limit the treble extension. Oh by the way I have used many different brands of speaker cables over the course of my lifetime, and I'm now in my mid 30's.

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