Closed Door Energy Forum - Palin's not Cheney's

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Mar 6, 2005
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Closed Door Energy Forum - Palin's not Cheney's
Reported to be a "forum on energy with Texas Gov. Rick Perry and executives from four other states", it took a little digging to find that this forum was a closed-door affair hosting a select group of nine Republican governors and such notable corporate energy VIPS (and polluters) as Greg Boyce, chairman and CEO of the Peabody Energy Corp.; John Hofmeister, president of Shell Oil; Robert A. Malone, chairman and president, BP America; Anthony Orlando, president and CEO, Covanta Energy Corp.; and John Somerhalder II, chairman and CEO, AGL Resources.

It is important, too, to understand that the host, Governor Rick Perry, is the governor neatly trained to take Bush's spot in the Texas Governor's mansion. Before that, Perry defeated Jim Hightower for Texas Agricultural Commissioner with the help of Karl Rove and his scurilous tactics.
Perry is also the father of Dick Cheney's son-in-law, the lawyer Phillip Perry, who has bounced back and forth for the last several years between lobbying for Lockheed Martin and working for the White House. His wife, Elizabeth Cheney, though a mother of five herself, is a hawk for attacking Iran and has worked in the Bush Cheney State Department.

So, while the pregnancy story does bring up questions about Sarah Palin's character and priorities, I still think the far more relevant information for voters is what was going on behind closed doors in Texas that day?

This is what we deserve to know.

Was this an important event?

It must have been, to at least one person there.

Governor Palin’s water broke while she was attending an energy forum in Texas on Thursday, April 17th, but that she stayed for the event, made her own 30 minute speech, and then, rather than going to a hospital, she chose to board an Alaska Airlines plane for what must have been at least a 9 hour flight, according to their current schedule, then drove another 43 miles to give birth at the Mat Su Regional Medical Center in Palmer, Alaska.

What a trooper, hats off to her for putting a closed-door energy forum first.:eek:
Something is VERY rotten in the state of...Alaska. Her story just doesn't hold water (forgive the pun)! :ROFL:

I agree, I've seen all the photos, it's just don't stack up.

Latest rumor has it that the Palin's state of Alaska's health insurance for elected officials does not cover grandchildren. The special needs child (life time of needs) would send them to the poor farm, which is why after seven months she put on a fat suit. Sounds far fetched, but as they say - FOLLOW THE MONEY.

She would need a doctors cooperation, right? As it happens she put her doctor into business with grants, and that the 35 person clinic which resulted is doing quite well for it's self.

It's all in who you know.

We all know the effects of Cheney's secret energy forum, record profits for the big oil companies (Cheney still was collecting checks) and Enron price fixing. Do we really need another Cheney in the Whitehouse? Can we afford to make another mistake like that? America's broken, and guess who broke it in every which way?


Looks like Palin wants out (video)."
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